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The Don Berner Big Band Foundation's February Fundraiser
by Don Berner Big Band Foundation
Replace this content with your own story. Engage your audience with short, straightforward and heartfelt checkpoints. Introduce yourself and/or the beneficiary.Kindle the human side of your story and give a name and/or face to the voice behind your ca...
SUNY Cortland Club Baseball 2025
by SUNY Cortland Club Baseball
This year SUNY Cortland Club Baseball is attending the annual NCBA Swing into Spring Tournament in Florida. This is a great spring training opportunity to get prepared for our season, and face teams from all over the country. A trip to this extent requ...
Help moms in the Dominican with diapers and formula
by Dominican Starfish Foundation
Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata, DO
Bonnie ZoBell Jensen and her family will be arriving in the Dominican Republic on February 19th. Bonnie's passion is to help new moms! Here is her message: In a couple weeks, my family and I are going to Dominican to holiday, but also to do some human...
by Susana Lisbe
An effective story informs and inspires. Here are 5 storytelling steps you should include: Describe the problem you are trying to solve. Describe the solution to the problem. Point out the gap or barrier to better outcomes. Make supporters the heroes ...
Help give the gift of a wheelchair van to children and adults with disabilities.
by Drumheller and Region Transition Society
Drumheller and Region Transition Society (D.A.R.T.S.) is fundraising to purchase a wheelchair van for the adults and children with disabilities that we support. Every dollar you donate, helps bring us closer to achieving this goal.
by Just Poppin
Heard-White families are fundraising for a cause that is close to our hearts. 50% of your purchase or contribution will help us achieve our goals. Please support our fundraiser by sharing it with others. Thank you for your generosity and support.