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Community & Volunteer
Fundraising for community groups, volunteers and projects next door or around the world. Fund volunteers, projects, hunger, shelter, kids or women's groups or other social good. Starting a community fundraising or volunteering crowdfunding project is free, simple and effective.
by Just Poppin
Heard-White families are fundraising for a cause that is close to our hearts. 50% of your purchase or contribution will help us achieve our goals. Please support our fundraiser by sharing it with others. Thank you for your generosity and support.
by Brenda White Jackson
Heard-White Family are fundraising for a cause that is close to our heart, Your purchase or contribution, will helping us achieve our goals. Please support our fundraiser by sharing it with other, Thank you for your generosity and support.
by Gigi Bowie
Heard-White families are fundraising for a cause that is close to our hearts. 50% of your purchase or contribution will help us achieve our goals. Please support our fundraiser by sharing it with others. Thank you for your generosity and support.
Help Us Urgently Raise £3000 For Radiant Mama Counselling & Therapeutic Services
by Radiant Mama
Due to high demand, we’ve exhausted the lottery funding that subsidised our essential Counselling & Therapeutic Services for expectant & new parents. We need YOUR help to raise £3000 in the next month so that we can continue to provide this vital service.
If Not Here, WHERE? A Call to Action for Our Heritage Community In Regina SK.
by The Hawk Principle Community Service Cooperative
*If Not Here, Where? A Call to Action for Our Community* Over the past decade, the City of Regina has experienced a staggering fourfold increase in houselessness, and rising food insecurity, particularly in the Heritage area.
Help Us Help You Help Humanity!
by The Humanity Channel, Inc.
HELP US HELP YOU HELP HUMANITY! Global icon Dr. Jane Goodall regularly seeks new, impactful ways to manifest her deep passion for healing and protecting our planet and its beings. That’s one reason she chose to serve as Brand Ambassador & Advisory ...