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Family & Kids
Collect donations for family hardships, causes, projects or events. Gather contributions from family and friends when your loved ones are in need. Explore our fundraisers for kids or create your fundraiser in less than an hour. It is free, fast and effective.
Help Jihad Fawrah’s family with emergency survival needs
by Karter Deedman
The Fawrah family needs your help! The rainy season has come to Gaza, and due to Israel’s attack, thousands of Palestinians lack safe shelter and are at extreme risk of dying from exposure. Can you donate $5 or share this fundraiser to save 7 lives?
Jaskirat Singh Sidhu - The Humboldt Driver & a Father.
by Tanvir Mann
Jaskirat is getting deported. He has a one year old son with complex medical history who needs his father for his continuous care. It is impossible to care for my son with high medical needs alone. Plz donate and share. Thank you, Tanvir