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Support Arbi Ayari's Family
by Rami DERBEL
Tunis, Gouvernorat de Tunis, TN
A Call to Support: Remembering Arbi Ayari - A Pillar of ENAU The Story of Resilience and Community 1. The Hero's Context For years, Arbi Ayari was more than just a security guard at the École Nationale d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (ENAU)
Thrive Global Project - 2025 Team Kilimanjaro!
by Thrive Global Project
What you do. Explain your mission. Keep it short and sweet. Have a video? Even better! What you've done. Provide proof that you are worth supporting and show gratitude for where you are. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed...
Arkansas Times Presents: John DiPippa on Trump's Legal Dictatorship
by Arkansas Times
Join us as esteemed legal scholar John DiPippa, Dean Emeritus of the Bowen School of Law, discusses the potential legal maneuvers that could enable a shift toward autocratic governance under President Trump's influence on April 17.
Help Fedrico, a senior, to have a home in the Dominican Republic (CND)
by Dominican Starfish Foundation
Fedrico is a senior man in his 80s. He has been squatting in this shack for more than 20 years. Now the property has been sold and he has no where to go but the street. Please help Dominican Starfish Foundation with the funds to build him a tiny ho...
Help Fedrico, a senior, to have a home in the Dominican Republic (USA)
by PAL Humanitarian Services Inc.
Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata, DO
Fedrico is a senior man in his 80s. He has been squatting in this shack for more than 20 years. Now the property has been sold and he has no where to go but the street. Please help Dominican Starfish Foundation with the funds to build him a tiny home. ...
Celebrate Francis: A Journey of Hope, Resilience, and of Community
by John Bergsma
We invite you to join us in celebrating the remarkable journey of a truly special young man, Francis Bergsma. At just 15 years old, Francis faced an unimaginable challenge when a severe headache led to the discovery of a large tumor in his brain.
G Lab Etc is hiking for kids with cancer! A1..
by G Lab Etc
Meet Camp Casco, the only summer camp just for kids affected by cancer in Massachusetts. We create a supportive community to help kids navigate cancer survivorship together. Start your journey today to build camaraderie for kids fighting cancer tomorrow!
Help Rebuild Tiberiu’s Home and Studio After a Devastating Fire
by Sarah Mircea
Tiberiu’s home, built over decades with his father, was devastated by a fire that destroyed 230 sqm and took 7 fire trucks over 5 hours to extinguish. His music studio was water-damaged, with priceless work lost. Now, he needs help to rebuild.