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Help OSU Rugby get to Philly for the Championship
by Ohio State University Rugby Club
The Ohio State Rugby team has earned an automatic bid to the Collegiate Rugby Sevens Championship in Philadelphia. The 2-day, 20 team, tournament starts May 31st and as our entrance fee we are required to purchase 300 tickets at $35 per weekend pass.
Defending Columbus, Ohio abolitionist activists against riot charges
by Columbus Activists
Assisting with the legal fees and defense of Jay, Elizabeth, and other Columbus, Ohio abolitionist activists accused of rioting and trespassing (et al), in connection to an action held on April 13th, 2021 at Columbus Police Department Headquarters.
Legal Fees after a Wrongful Arrest
by Sophia Lombardo
My mother was pushed & hit by a Columbus Police Officer while filming an Anti Trump Rally. She was arrested and charged with 2 misdemeanors, had to spend 24 hours in jail, and was treated horribly by the officers. We are seeking $1,500 to cover costs.
Ken Hanson Constitutional Law Scholarship
by Buckeye Firearms Foundation
We are proud to introduce the Ken Hanson Constitutional Law Scholarship. This special purpose fund will be administered under our 501(c)(3) nonprofit Foundation and will offer scholarships to law students who wish to focus on Constitutional Law.
Dugsi Learn to Read and Write Quran
by Mahad Hassan
MISSION: Exploring new horizons that have never been reached, we innovate the process of learning by paving the way for students to reach their full potential, we individualize the academic experience of millions of students, engaging and motivating ...
Help Madi restock her stolen glassblowing tools
by Madi Cano
My car was recently broken into and the only thing that was stolen was my tool case with my glassblowing tools. The set of tools included graduation gifts, inherited tools from past mentors, and custom/handmade tools... which will never be truly replaced