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Raise funds to follow your dreams to the places and passions that drive you. Crowdfunding for travel & accommodations for adventures can be easy and fun. Create an online fundraiser to cover travel costs and expenses and share it with your network. Let your family and friends make your dream come true.
Headed to Haiti: Please help me out!
by Courtney Shaver
On August 2-9, 2014, I will go on my third missions trip to Duplan, Haiti. This time, my team and I will be putting on a vacation bible school for the kids in the village of Duplan. We will spend a week in the mountains laughing, playing and ...
Send Goddess Sexxy Feet to New Orleans & the Beach
by Sexxy Feet
Goddess Sexxy Feet would have SO MUCH fun in New Orleans & Florida, and I know that you want that for me, which is why I'm asking for donations. We will take plenty of pictures & video, including a ton of my feet walking along the sand and pool.
Bring Our Son Aaron home from Ca. to Oh.
by Tami Carpenter
Our son Aaron has been living in California the last 6 years. Moving there from Ohio. He has lost his job an home an living on streets of Marina Del Rey Ca. We desperatley need to get him home. He will have a home an his family to help him get ...