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Family & Kids
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Help Haileys family with unexpected expenses!
by Amanda Johnson
Hailey Guthrie was diagnosed August 13th with Leukemia. She is undergoing chemo at NCH in Columbus OH. She and her family are from Parkersburg WV and are having to travel back and forth to stay with her while she is getting treatments. Please help ...
Please help me get split custody for me and kids
by Jashar Davis
Jashar Davis trying to get legal help to see and get split custody of my 2 year old daughter Julianna and my 3 year old son Jackson there mother is keeping them away from me won't let me bring stuff for them or talk to them all for no reason thanks
Help Taylor Recover from Divorce Debt
by robyn saxton
I got married young, so like many young couples, I got divorced young. I had many credit cards that were fortunate to only be in my name. I was a sucker in the divorce and my ex took nothing with him. Now that I am relying on myself alone to pay ...
Please help me pay off fines so I don't go to jail
by Nick Funk
Hello my name is Nickolas I have never been in trouble my whole life I'm 27 years old I have a five year old daughter who I have custody of helped friend with ride he stole from store I got charged with complicity not knowing what he did I owe money now