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Raise funds from family, friends & congregations for missions or faith-based good works. Collect contributions for mission trips, church groups, events and other causes. You can create your great looking church fundraiser in less than an hour and start collecting money immediately.
Jade's El Salvador mission trip
by Charissa Molinari
Jade is so excited to be able to serve families in El Salvador for a week in September! Please help her raise funds for travel & expenses. Anything raised over what she needs individually will be given to her missions team with Simple Church Ohio! Thanks!
Get Tim & Aimee back to Nicaragua in 2014
by Tim Toole
Tim & Aimee Toole are working to return to Nicaragua in July of 2014 to serve as missionaries to a small village, providing medical and dental care as well as sharing the Gospel. Aimee made her first trip to Nicaragua with Baptist Medical and ...
Help raise money for Cait's mission trip!
by Caiti Cordova
This year I will help build a center at Pastor Julio Martinez's church where they will feed the children of the mountaintop and share the hope that Jesus offers them. I'm so excited to be a part of it, but I won't be able to make it there without you!