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Support Arbi Ayari's Family
by Rami DERBEL
Tunis, Gouvernorat de Tunis, TN
A Call to Support: Remembering Arbi Ayari - A Pillar of ENAU The Story of Resilience and Community 1. The Hero's Context For years, Arbi Ayari was more than just a security guard at the École Nationale d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (ENAU)
by Dali Dog Rescue UK
Dali Dog Rescue UK is a UK charity with registration number 1198532, committed to helping D.O.G Rescue Cyprus (Dali Organized Group) save the lives of dogs in Cyprus, as well as the dogs who are now in our care in the UK.
Arkansas Times Presents: John DiPippa on Trump's Legal Dictatorship
by Arkansas Times
Join us as esteemed legal scholar John DiPippa, Dean Emeritus of the Bowen School of Law, discusses the potential legal maneuvers that could enable a shift toward autocratic governance under President Trump's influence on April 17.
Build Masjid, Dar Quran, and well For Hajja Safinaz Matter ECP25027
by Africa Relief and Community Development
Building a masjid, a Quran school, and a well in Africa in the name of Hajja Safinaz Matter (may she rest in peace) is a gift that keeps on giving—a source of continuous reward and blessings for her and all those who contribute. Every brick laid in t...