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Accidents & Disasters
Fundraise for car accidents, house fires, natural disasters, injury or other emergencies. Collect donations for accident victims and people facing personal crisis or tragedy. Create an urgent earthquake fundraiser, car crash fundraiser, hurricane fundraiser for free in less than an hour and start raising money immediately.
Let's pull together and help Ernie & Tammy White
by Jennie Ehlermann
As many of you may know Ernie &Tammy White were involved in a horrific auto accident the day before Thanksgiving. I started a FundRazr Campaign to raise funds for funeral expenses for the young gentleman that lost his life and submitted a ...
Benefit for near fatal accident Paula Davis
by Melissa Davis
After spending several months in hospital Paula's life has changed drastically as she is still recovering from 15 broken rib, lost her right ear and the rightside of her face was crushed. As a result of the damage she has lost eyesight with her ...
Help Lola and Silas's Family Heal!
by Ruth Bogue
Little 5 year old Lola and her 2 year old brother Silas were hit by a car last week. Lola succumbed to her severe injuries Sunday morning. Silas suffered serious injuries and will be facing a long uphill road to recovery. This family suffering great he
Help us raise money for Ann so she can keep her cleaning business, and her home.
by Ann levingston
Help us raise money for Ann Marie for a vehicle to save her home, her small cleaning business, along with the animals she rescues and fosters . Ann's car was totaled in an accident and she lives in a very small rural town so she cannot even get groceries
Help pay for my son's funeral expenses
by Coy Douglas Adams
I lost my son on april 03 2012,4lbs 18 1/2 inches long, I had to get a credit card through my dad, to pay for some funeral expenses, I haven't been able to pay it back and its becoming costly to finish paying for his funeral and headstone, any help plz
Fire destroyed the camper I lived in I'm 36 and homeless now
by Scott Buckius sr
On February 3 at 730pm I got a call from my neighbor that my camper that I lived in with my dog was on fire and it was a total loss from the dog knocking over a electric heater and not only did I lose everything I owned but lost my dog to the only thin...
Lost loved one's, Please Help.
by Aaron Hatton
An effective story informs and inspires. Here are 5 storytelling steps you should include: Describe the problem you are trying to solve. Describe the solution to the problem. Point out the gap or barrier to better outcomes. Make supporters the heroes ...