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The Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter (CCNCTO) hasn't added a story.
The Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter (平权会多伦多分会) (CCNCTO) is requesting your support for our 2025 Fundraiser: Worker Power is People Power (2025 筹款活动: 工人力量就是人民力量)
Graphic artist: Yuze Situ and Stephanie Fung 漫画作者:Yuze Situ 和 Stephanie Fung
Please keep an eye out for updates to this fundraising page. We will launch our fundraiser in 2025. 请关注本次筹款界面的更新,我们将会在2025年开展本次筹款。
Who are we? 我们是谁?
Since 1980, CCNCTO has been organizing with Chinese Canadians in Toronto to advocate for racial and economic justice and to build up our community’s capacity to engage in collective action for change. Our programming and advocacy efforts have been informed by the knowledge and experiences of our members, including Chinese workers. ⾃1980年以来, 平权会 ⼀直与多伦多的加拿大华裔组织在⼀起,倡导种族和经济公正,并建⽴我们社群参与集体⾏动的能⼒,以实现变⾰。我们的计划和宣传⼯作⼀直以我们的成员,包括华裔⼯⼈的知识和经验为依据。
Why do we need your support: A collective effort for change 我们为何需要您的支持: 共同努力创造改变
This campaign is an opportunity to amplify voices that are often unheard and build solidarity across the Chinese community. In this campaign, we will share the stories of workers, to educate and inspire the larger community to recognize the importance of organizing. But to turn awareness into action, we need financial support . 这项宣传活动为放大华裔工人常被忽视的声音提供了机会,并将会促使在华人社区内建立起团结互助的力量。本次宣传活动还将支持我们的筹款工作。通过分享工人们的故事,我们希望能够教育和激励社区,认识到组织的重要性。然而,要将意识转化为行动,我们需要 资金支持 。
At CCNCTO, we have been committed to worker organizing for decades. Yet, funding our efforts has grown increasingly difficult, as much of our support is limited to ‘project-based’ funding. Many funding organizations, including governments, often hesitate to fund work that empowers workers directly with organizing knowledge and material support. That’s why we are calling on our community to help us raise flexible funds through this campaign—funds that can be used to respond directly to workers’ needs. 平权会几十年来一直致力于工人组织工作,但为这一事业筹集资金变得越来越困难,因为我们的许多资金都局限于“项目资助”。许多资助机构,包括政府,往往不愿意支持对直接赋予工人组织知识和物质支持的工作。因此,我们呼吁社群成员通过此次活动帮助我们筹集灵活资金,这些资金可以直接用于满足工人的需求。
Many Chinese workers receive low wages and experience precarious work conditions and systemic discrimination. With your support, we can transform awareness into action . 许多华裔工人收入低、工作条件不稳定,并面临系统性歧视。有了您的支持,我们就可以将认知转化为行动。
Your support will allow us to 筹集的资金将用于:
- Host Events for Workers 举办工人活动 (including workshops to empower workers and gatherings to connect them with other workers and the community 包括工人赋权工作坊以及让工人与其他工人和社区建立联系的聚会)
- Provide Increased Casework Support 提供更多个案支持
- Expand Community Organizing and Outreach to Marginalized Workers 扩大对边缘化工人的社区组织和外展活动 (including funding worker leaders to assist with this work 包括资助工人领袖协助开展此类工作)
- Drive Advocacy Campaigns and Policy Change 推动倡导活动和政策变革
- Support our team and operations 支持平权会的员工和组织运作
Why should I support a grassroots fundraiser? 我为什么要⽀持草根组织募捐?
Grassroots organizations, such as CCNCTO, focus on pushing forward work by and for the people . We actively involve Chinese workers, youth, families, and seniors in decision-making at CCNCTO and our direct connection to these community members allows us to understand, prioritize, and respond to the most pressing issues and needs facing them. 像平权会这样的草根组织专注于推动 由民众主导、为民众服务 的工作。我们积极邀请华裔工人、青年、家庭和长者参与平权会的决策,与这些社群成员的直接联系使我们能够了解、优先考虑并回应他们面临的最紧迫的问题和需求。
Here’s why supporting grassroots organizing is so impactful 以下是支持草根组织如此重要的原因:
- Deep Community Trust 深厚的社群信任 : CCNCTO is embedded in the community we serve, fostering relationships built on trust and mutual respect earned through decades of consistent, reliable support and advocacy. 平权会扎根于我们所服务的社群,通过几十年来始终如一、可靠的支持和倡导,与社群之间建立了基于信任和相互尊重的关系。
- Responsive to Community Needs 积极回应社群需求 : Unlike larger organizations, grassroots groups can respond quickly to emerging needs. Whether it’s a worker facing immediate discrimination or a new policy affecting the community, we’re here to provide targeted support and mobilize quickly. 与大型组织不同,草根组织可以快速回应新出现的需求。无论是面临直接歧视的工人,还是影响社群的新政策,我们都能提供有针对性的支持并迅速动员起来。
- Empowerment and Ownership 赋权和自主 : Supporting CCNCTO means supporting work that empowers community members to advocate for their own rights. We’re doing more than supporting folks one-on-one, we’re building leaders within the community who will continue to drive change for years to come. 支持平权会意味着支持赋权予社群成员为自己权利倡导。我们不仅仅是一对一地支持人们,我们还在社群内培养未来的领导者,他们将在未来持续推动变革。
- Community-Driven Decision-Making 社群主导的决策 : At CCNCTO, we believe that community members should be at the heart of every decision. By building community-driven leadership and decision-making, those with lived experience are empowered to lead our programs and advocacy actions, ensuring our work is relevant and effective. 在平权会,我们相信社群成员应该处于每个决策的核心。通过建立社群主导的领导和决策机制,那些拥有亲身经历的人将被赋予领导我们的项目和倡导行动的权力,确保我们的工作相关和有效。
Supporting a grassroots fundraiser is more than just a donation; it’s an investment in a movement. It’s about helping build a future where everyone in our community has the power to stand up for their rights and create change. 支持草根组织的筹款活动不仅仅是一次捐赠; 而是一项对运动的投资。它是为了帮助建立一个未来,在这个未来,我们社群中的每个人都有能力维护自己的权利并创造改变。
Your generous donation, no matter the amount, will directly support Chinese workers with CCNCTO 您的慷慨捐赠,无论金额大小,都将直接支持平权会帮助华裔工人:
- $10-$15 will cover the cost for 1 worker’s meal and transit fare to attend a CCNCTO event, helping them access crucial information and community support 将支付1名工人参加平权会活动的餐费和交通费,帮助他们获取重要信息和社区支持
- $20-$25 will cover the cost of printing 1 session of outreach/event materials, spreading the word about our initiatives and helping workers learn about and organize for their rights 将支付1次外展/活动材料的打印费用,宣传我们的项目并帮助工人了解和争取自己的权利
- $35 will cover the cost of staff connecting with 1 worker, providing simple support, such as referrals, emotional support, connecting them to community events 将支付工作人员与1名工人联系的费用,提供简单支持,如转介、情感支持、联系社区活动等
- $50 will cover the cost of a small in-person event with workers, allowing them to share their experiences, connect with peers, and organize for change 将支付一次小型工人面对面活动的费用,让他们分享经验、与同伴联系,以及为改变而组织起来
- $75 will cover the cost of a volunteer training session, helping volunteers learn about worker’s issues and rights and mobilize to support worker organizing through simple casework, translation, and support 将支付一次志愿者培训课程的费用,帮助志愿者了解工人问题和权利,并通过简单的个案工作、翻译和支持来帮助工人组织起来
- $100 will cover the cost of an outreach session, led by an experienced community leader and 2-4 worker leaders, enabling the team to reach marginalized workers and provide direct resources and support, and organize more folks 将支付一次外展活动的费用,由一名经验丰富的社区领袖和2-4名工人领袖带领,使团队能够接触到边缘化工人,提供直接资源和支持,并组织更多人
- $150 will cover the cost of a community training session, which will help workers and allies understand their rights and how to organize, including mobilizing volunteers to support with simple casework 将支付一次社区培训课程的费用,帮助工人和支持者了解他们的权利以及如何组织,包括动员志愿者支持简单的个案工作
- $250-$300 will cover 2 training sessions focused on public speaking, navigating local services, and mobilizing coworkers, allowing 4-6 worker leaders to lead advocacy and organizing in their networks 将支付2次培训课程的费用,培训会包括公开演讲、熟悉本地服务和动员同事,使4-6名工人领袖能够在他们的人际网络中开展倡导和组织工作
- $350 will cover the cost of hosting a large worker event, reaching out to more workers, including other organizations that support workers, and inviting external speakers, such as legal aid clinic staff, lawyers, etc 将支付举办大型工人活动的费用,让平权会接触更多工人,包括其他支持工人的机构,并邀请外部演讲者,如法律援助工作人员、律师等
$500 or more will help sustain our long-term worker
organizing efforts, fueling policy change and advocacy that will
benefit workers 或以上将帮助维持我们长期的工人组织工作,推动政策变革和倡导,使工人受益
- This includes supporting intergenerational programs that connect youth, seniors, workers, and other volunteers to strengthen worker support networks and advocacy efforts 包括支持代际项目,连接青年、长者、工人和其他志愿者,加强工人支持网络和倡导工作
- This includes sponsoring more training sessions for emerging worker and community leaders, equipping folks with organizing and advocacy skills to uplift and empower their communities 包括赞助未来工人和社区领袖的培训课程,为他们装备组织和倡导技能,以改善和赋权他们的社区
Any donation over $100 will receive a free CCNCTO tote bag (to be picked up at our office). 任何超过$100的捐款都将获得一个免费的平权会托特包(可于我们办公室领取)。
Any donation over $250 will receive a free worker calendar (to be picked up at our office). 任何超过$250的捐款都将获得一个免费的工人日历(可于我们办公室领取)。
As CCNCTO is growing and attempting to support our community’s increasing demands, we are calling on our community to show up and stand in solidarity with Chinese workers for racial and economic justice. 随着平权会的不断发展以及为了满足社群日益增长的需求,我们呼吁大家积极行动,与华裔工人团结一致,共同争取种族和经济正义。
We are committed to transparency and accountability in our financial management. As a donor, you can trust that your contribution will be used effectively to support Chinese workers in our community. To stay informed about our financial situation and the impact of your donation, we invite you to become a member of CCNCTO. Members are welcome to join our Annual General Meeting where we provide a detailed financial report, share updates on our programs, and discuss our future goals. Your involvement helps us maintain openness and accountability as we work together to create positive change. 我们致力于财务管理的透明度和可问责。作为捐赠者,您可以相信您的捐款将被有效用于支持我们社区的华裔工人。为了及时了解我们的财务状况和您捐款的影响,我们邀请您成为平权会的会员。欢迎会员参加我们的年度大会,在那里我们将提供详细的财务报告,分享项目进展,并讨论我们的未来目标。在我们共同努力创造积极变革的过程中,您的参与帮助我们保持开放和可问责。
Together, we can ensure that Chinese workers and all members of our community have the support and resources they need to thrive. 携手共进,我们能够确保华裔工人和我们社群的所有成员都能获得他们蓬勃发展所需的支持和资源。
With love and solidarity 此致,
If you would like to support us now, please do so at
We are also happy to receive your donation by cheque. 我们也乐意接受您通过⽀票捐款。
Please make your cheque out to the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter 请签⽀票给平权会多伦多分会
Mail it to 邮寄⾄ Unit 105 - 1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, ON, M1P 2L9
If you have any questions, please email us at
CCNCTO thanks you for your contribution. For folks who are interested, we have small tokens of appreciation that you can receive with your donation. Gifts available (in order of smallest to largest) 1) CCNCTO 2025 fundraiser sticker, 2) CCNCTO 2025 calendar magnet.
Please note that items are available for PICK UP in office (Unit 105-1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough). CCNCTO staff will be in contact with you to pick up your item, depending on your availability (please do not visit the office without an appointment, as staff are not always in office).
请注意,礼物需到办公室自取(地址:1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, 105室)。平权会的工作人员将根据您的时间安排联系您领取物品(请勿在未预约的情况下前往办公室,因为工作人员不一定在场)。
Depending on interest and availability of merchandise, CCNCTO may require 2-3 weeks to fulfill gift orders. We thank you for your patience.
We suggest the following amounts for gifts to offset the cost of printing 为补贴印刷成本,我们建议以下捐赠金额:
2025 Fundraiser Sticker 2025筹款贴纸 - 捐赠$5.00
CCNCTO thanks you for your contribution. For folks who are interested, we have small tokens of appreciation that you can receive with your donation. Gifts available (in order of smallest to largest) 1) CCNCTO tote bag, 2) CCNCTO 2025 worker calendar.
平权会感谢您的支持与贡献!对于感兴趣的朋友,我们准备了一些小礼物作为感谢,您可以通过捐赠领取。礼物(从小到大依次为):1)平权会帆布袋, 2)平权会2025工人日历
Please note that items are available for PICK UP in office (Unit 105-1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough). CCNCTO staff will be in contact with you to pick up your item, depending on your availability (please do not visit the office without an appointment, as staff are not always in office).
请注意,礼物需到办公室自取(地址:1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, 105室)。平权会的工作人员将根据您的时间安排联系您领取物品(请勿在未预约的情况下前往办公室,因为工作人员不一定在场)。
Depending on interest and availability of merchandise, CCNCTO may require 2-3 weeks to fulfill gift orders. We thank you for your patience.
We suggest the following amounts for gifts to offset the cost of printing 为补贴印刷成本,我们建议以下捐赠金额:
Tote bag 帆布袋 - 捐赠$15
2025 Worker Calendar (Simplified Chinese) 2025年工人日历(简体中文版) - 捐赠$25
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CCNCTO thanks you for your contribution. For folks who are interested, we have small tokens of appreciation that you can receive with your donation. Gifts available (in order of smallest to largest) 1) CCNCTO 2025 fundraiser sticker, 2) CCNCTO 2025 calendar magnet.
Please note that items are available for PICK UP in office (Unit 105-1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough). CCNCTO staff will be in contact with you to pick up your item, depending on your availability (please do not visit the office without an appointment, as staff are not always in office).
请注意,礼物需到办公室自取(地址:1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, 105室)。平权会的工作人员将根据您的时间安排联系您领取物品(请勿在未预约的情况下前往办公室,因为工作人员不一定在场)。
Depending on interest and availability of merchandise, CCNCTO may require 2-3 weeks to fulfill gift orders. We thank you for your patience.
We suggest the following amounts for gifts to offset the cost of printing 为补贴印刷成本,我们建议以下捐赠金额:
2025 Fundraiser Sticker 2025筹款贴纸 - 捐赠$5.00
CCNCTO thanks you for your contribution. For folks who are interested, we have small tokens of appreciation that you can receive with your donation. Gifts available (in order of smallest to largest) 1) CCNCTO tote bag, 2) CCNCTO 2025 worker calendar.
平权会感谢您的支持与贡献!对于感兴趣的朋友,我们准备了一些小礼物作为感谢,您可以通过捐赠领取。礼物(从小到大依次为):1)平权会帆布袋, 2)平权会2025工人日历
Please note that items are available for PICK UP in office (Unit 105-1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough). CCNCTO staff will be in contact with you to pick up your item, depending on your availability (please do not visit the office without an appointment, as staff are not always in office).
请注意,礼物需到办公室自取(地址:1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, 105室)。平权会的工作人员将根据您的时间安排联系您领取物品(请勿在未预约的情况下前往办公室,因为工作人员不一定在场)。
Depending on interest and availability of merchandise, CCNCTO may require 2-3 weeks to fulfill gift orders. We thank you for your patience.
We suggest the following amounts for gifts to offset the cost of printing 为补贴印刷成本,我们建议以下捐赠金额:
Tote bag 帆布袋 - 捐赠$15
2025 Worker Calendar (Simplified Chinese) 2025年工人日历(简体中文版) - 捐赠$25
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