The Llama Sanctuary
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The Llama Sanctuary is the largest camelid rescue organization in Canada and possibly North America, providing a home for between 40 and 60 residents at any given time. New homes are found for most of the llamas and alpacas who come through the gates. The elderly, the injured, the sick and those with behaviour challenges always remain in the care of Sanctuary.
Established in 2005, The Sanctuary has assisted many hundreds of llamas and alpacas, as well as people who suddenly find themselves unable to care for the creatures they love.
The Sanctuary has faced many challenges over the years, but the biggest challenge of all was finding a new home for the entire Llama Sanctuary after the property rental agreement was ended in June of 2022.
After relocating the entire Sanctuary and all the residents TWICE within a few months, a wonderful new opportunity was presented to join the Recline Ridge Ecopark in Tappen, British Columbia. This entirely new venture seeks to showcase how we can change the way we work with nature, by taking bold steps to clean up the environment and putting new ideas into action.
The Llama Sanctuary offers guided tours most days. Visitors are very important in developing trust with animals who may have unpleasant experiences of being with people. It is wonderful to see how quickly llamas regain or develop trust as they watch their new friends interact with visitors.
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