We'll name one of the healing zones after you
to Building A Therapy Garden in Kyiv to Mitigate Mental Trauma in Ukraine
by Bikes4Ukraine & Urbanism
For €2500 (or your currency equivalent) we'll name one of the designated healing zones after you and at the entrance to the zone, on the sign explaining what kind of healing this particular zone is for, we'll display your name. "Sponsored by Your Name, Your City/Country."
We'll send photos when it's done.
You will also have your name added to the Sponsor sign at the main entrance, on the website and in the credits of the film we'll make about the project.
- 0 claimed
- 5 available
- 9 claimed
- 41 remaining
There's no school like the old school! We'll send you a postcard from Kyiv designed by a Ukrainian artist. But only if you remember to add your postal address when you donate crowdfunding.
- 2 claimed
- 13 remaining
We will make benches and chairs out of upcycled wood (which will look WAY better than the one in the graphic) and we will engrave your name on one.
"Sponsored by Your Name, Your City/Country"
We'll send photos when it's done.
- 0 claimed
- 20 remaining
For €500 (or your currency equivalent) we will proudly add your name - or your organisation's name if applicable - as a main sponsor on the website (once we get one) as well as displayed prominently on the main sign at the entrance (which will look WAY better than the quick photoshop in the photo). We plan on making a film about the whole process for YouTube and you'll be in the credits as well.
- 0 claimed
- 20 remaining
We will plant a native tree in the garden on your behalf and add a sign in front of it with your name on it. "This tree was donated by Your Name, Your City/Country". There are existing trees in the garden but we will be planting others to boost biodiversity. Yours will be one of the newly planted trees. The sign will be placed in front of the tree - not attached to it.
We'll send photos when it's done.
- 0 claimed
- 5 remaining
For €2500 (or your currency equivalent) we'll name one of the designated healing zones after you and at the entrance to the zone, on the sign explaining what kind of healing this particular zone is for, we'll display your name. "Sponsored by Your Name, Your City/Country."
We'll send photos when it's done.
You will also have your name added to the Sponsor sign at the main entrance, on the website and in the credits of the film we'll make about the project.
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