North Star Publishing Inc
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North Star Publishing Inc is Michael Knight's independent business organization, designed to market his various books videos and PDFs.His website shop includes the documentary, "Contact Has Begun - The James Gilliland Story," as well as some very telling in-depth reports in pdf format but at a minimal price point.
All are formatted as PDFs so they can be quickly downloaded - and copies then emailed on to those you might choose to send them to.
The best thing about PDFs is that they do not attract viruses in transmission.
You can browse the bookshop by clicking on the above image, or this link:-
Organization activity
Nothing to show yet.Being grateful
As the subject says, this email is to tell you personally how grateful I am for your donations.
They are an immense help now that my previouly substantial income has been whittled away by censorship to the point (which pride almost forbids me from saying) that food stamps are helping us make ends meet.
However, I have taken my own advice about being prepared seriously, so we're doing fine at a personal level - and gardening is definitely paying off.
Yesterday I bought 2 pounds of onion sets, which means a couple of hundred to be planted...but don't get me started on the subject of growing enough of everything for year-round use!
Your donations are used for research and the upkeep of the website and to subscribe to other news sites, which do cost quite a bit per month - but are valuable resources within the social and alternative news media.
I will also add that if at any time donations become too much of a stretch for your own budget, you are free to discontinue.
That said, my sincere thanks once again.
Michael Knight.
I am also restructuring the website to incorporate a blog, which allows me to use my videos directly into a post. And those from other sources as well. This makes my posts prertty much a a self-contained resource, rather than having multiple links to get you trraipsing all over the world.. Nevertheless, "source" and "read more" links must be included when appropriate...but it's over to you whether or not you follow them.
I will eventually start a tiered subscripotion option - but free remains free.
Therefore, if you have not done so already, I do ask that you go to one of the blog posts and just fill in your email in tthe popup (that's all that's required) to get immediate email notification when new blog posts are published.
In fact, you might start with this one...which I published just a few minutes ago.
That's it, really!
Best of wishes.
A BIG Thanks from Michael
I know it has been quite a while since I emailed to thank you for your suipporrt.
My only excuse is that I have been super busy restructuring the website, which involves learning some entirely foreign languages (coding and such).
That aside, it is only because of your support to date that we are able to keep the newsletters, blog articles and videos going out to those who may not be able to afford to, between us, we're doing a good job of helping others understand what's going on in this spiritual battle (as some call it) between Good and Evil.
Others might say it's between God and Satan.
Regardless, as time goes by and the storm seems to get rougher and toiugher, I'm really confident that the end result will be a win for the A team.
That's us:-)
Thank you again.
Michael Knight.
Thanking you for your nsupport
I would like to thank you very sincerely for your donations and support.
Your gift is used not only to cover the regular expenses involved in creating the newsletter, associated videos and blog posts, but also to purchase necessary software and apps to improve the ways in which I do research and then write articles or create videos.
In partricular, your donation does keep things running for those who cannot afford to donate - or simply benefit from the fact that these articles etc are always free.
Some of it is also used to donate to other "digital warriors" or to subscribe to their regular newsletters as well because they have sources and resources that can be referred to, or linked to, in order to expand our collective awareness of what is going on behind the scenes - which as you know the propaganda media does not delve into.
Thanks again - sincerely.
Michael Knight.
Truth Social access
I have been unable to get confirmed on Truth Social because they require a cellphone number to send a text to - and I do not have an active cell phone. The old one is very dead...years ago..
If you have already contributed to this new "help" request, so I can ourchase a new cellphone, my sincere thanks.
If not, there is no obligastion at all...but every little bit helps.
Michael Knight.
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