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Confidence Eliminates Bullying, Inc hasn't added a story.
Welcome to the journey and the TAG 4 CHANGE MOVEMENT!
...Note: Thanks for coming and please watch the video below. We are excited to offer some great rewards for your generous contributions and helping us to CREATE CONFIDENT KIDS!
Hi, I'm Marty Ward, creator of a dynamic program that saves lives in more ways than one. I'm excited you're here. One of the things I teach kids is to believe that " BEING ME MATTERS!" As I've been teaching the TAG method of confidence building, I've seen tremendous transformation and healing take place in kids and adults.
When kids know they MATTER, they don't commit suicide, or harm themselves. In fact, they stand up for themselves and others. More than 4,400 youth a year commit suicide and thousands of those deaths are due to bullying. In America, over 100,000 kids don’t go to school each day due to their fear of confronting the bully.
This has to STOP!
In this video I talk about the importance of creating confident kids who believe in themselves and why this mission is so important for us to complete. Our kids are our future and it's critical that we give them the tools to be more confident now. When we TAG Kids for Success™ each day, by honoring and valuing their Talents, Abilities andGifts (TAGs), we create future confident leaders who will not stand for what is currently a growing problem.
The kids of today, our leaders of tomorrow, will create a win/win atmosphere where both the bully and the bullied are Confidence Boosters vs Fault Finders. They will be a part of the awareness that BEING ME MATTERS!
In fact, one of my friends asked me to tell them my story. I did and we both were in tears as I recalled that the TAG 4 Change Movement™ began one fall afternoon in 2011 when I read about a little 10-year-old girl – cheerleader, honor roll student, Ashlynn Conner of Ridge Farm, Illinois, who chose to kill herself rather than go to school to confront the bully one more time.
I cried out, “ENOUGH! Not another bright light of a child needs to be snuffed out!”
That day, I founded Create Confident Kids to Eliminate Bullying that has become the 501c3 non-profit organization, Confidence Eliminates Bullying, Inc.
Since then, the Confidence Eliminates Bullying Programs and the TAG method have been taught to kids, teachers, parents, and grandparents in Florida and as far away as Uganda and Tanzania."
You might ask, "Why Uganda and Tanzania? That's another amazing story. Pastor Buni Alex from Uganda emailed me one day, just over 3 years ago and said, "I found your book in the garbage alongside the road here in Uganda. I want to know more." How random does that seem? Yet, you don't know where your passion and mission will lead.
Through training with me, only over the Internet, Pastor Buni has established our programs in 8 Elementary Schools, 2 High Schools and many churches where he has reached thousands of children, parents and teachers. He's taught Confidence Eliminates Bullying programs to the Masai people in Tanzania as well.
My mission and passion is for every child and adult to believe in themselves so no situation, no person, can ever steal their confidence. This is the reason I've created this campaign.
Raising our goal of $20,000, will deliver the programs in Africa. Our greater goal of $50,000 will provide the funds to teach kids, parents and teachers all over the US.
Through schools, PTAs, Churches and other civic organizations, using our Confidence Eliminates Bullying programs, we will succeed in creating more confident kids, getting us much closer to eliminating bullying. Raising these funds means we can make a bigger difference in the US and around the world. YOU can be a part of that.
Consider being a SPONSOR
(Details on the Right Side of this Page)
Consider making your generous donations to the 501c3
Confidence Eliminates Bullying, Inc.
of any amount and you can decide to ...
[2] Get some cool Rewards.
(See Rewards List on the Right Side of this Page)
And don't forget to
Pass the campaign link on to family, friends and colleagues to spread the word.
Schools and Teachers Need Our Help.
Our Kids Need Our Help!
WE Need YOUR Help!
Besides the stories you heard above, and what I shared in the video, some of us do survive the damaging effects of bullying. In fact, I went from being worth a million dollars to having $7.41 in my bank account because I didn't believe in myself due to bullying. Then, I turned my life and business around using my own system.
Some children (and adults) don't survive because they haven't been taught that they MATTER. The impact of bullying can be so devastating that we lose the precious gift that each of them brought to the world.
The truth is ... all of us can do something about bullying and this campaign is designed to bring awareness to one of the ways that has been proven time and again to be extremely effective ... Confidence Eliminates Bullying Programs and the TAG Kids for Success Method™.
Why I care so much is because of my own experiences of being bullied for decades. As a teacher, school-based social worker and now as a Transformation Strategist for entrepreneurs, I also have witnessed the pain and devastating effect that bullying can have on self-esteem, personal and financial success.
One of the reasons this campaign has been created is to raise an initial $20,000 to fund our TAG 4 Change Movement's trip in March to Uganda, Africa.
On this trip, I'm going to ...
- Provide more in-depth training to Pastor Buni Alex, Liaison to Confidence Eliminates Bullying programs in Africa,
- Inspire, teach and have over 5000 children, and 1000 parents and teachers, experience the TAG methodology of creating confident kids to eliminate bullying, and
- Meet with the District of Education Minister Alice Doya to get the Eliminating Bullying programs in every classroom.
- To deliver water filters to every school and church I visit so they have clean water to drink every day.
- To buy a "football" i.e. soccer ball for each school so the kids can good clean fun!
American Photojournalist, Christina Stuart, will be capturing our journey all on film. While we are in Africa, my team back home will be sharing the excitement of our adventure with you on Facebook and in emails, so you can be a part of the journey.
You will not only see the work we are doing, but also some of the amazing results Pastor Buni has created with our programs in Africa. He says that not only are more children going to school each day and parents are telling the schools that their kids are cooperating more at home, but also that:
"Children have started putting on new glasses. They can now foresee their future. They now know that success is not a matter of environment but discovering how T alented A ble & G ifted they are. They always talk of their TAG s.Children now believe that they were born with everything that can make them successful and happy."
After returning to the US from Africa, we will continue the campaign, sharing more adventures as I move across the US, teaching and inspiring thousands through the TAG 4 Change Movement.
Be a part of this journey with us by contributing at any level and receiving some totally fun and AMAZING REWARDS as our 'Thank You' for helping us get this important work moving in a bigger way.
See Rewards Details on the Right Side of this Page
and to Make Your Generous Contribution
Consider donating at the Water Maker Level so that each of the 10 schools where Confidence Eliminates Bullying programs are making a difference can now have 300 gallons of clean water every day for 10 years and a soccer ball so the kids have fun and develop their (TAGs) - Talent as a soccer players using their Abilities of athletic, coordinated, flexible, adaptable, creative, imaginative, inventive and to give the Gifts of inspiring other kids, bringing the school together to watch a game, and provide leadership by teaching other kids sportsmanship.
The Reward you will get is not only a photo of your Filtration System with your company's logo surrounded by the school children holding your soccer ball but also knowing that the kids can stay healthy drinking clean water for 10 years and have fun every day because of YOUR contribution!
Everyone has them. They are what makes us uniquely special - What makes you uniquely YOU and me, uniquely ME is by expressing our Talents, Abilities and Gifts (TAGs). TAGs give us concrete reasons to know why we are somebody; why we matter!
Talents are what you love to do – dance, sing, draw, play football, soccer, basketball, cheerlead, science, act, build blocks, cook, be funny, karate, write poetry, art, music, etc…
Abilities are what you use to express those amazing Talents – be creative, imaginative, inventive, mathematical, athletic, flexible, adaptable, sense of color/style/design, intuitive, etc…
Gifts are what you give when you combine your Talents and Abilities – make us laugh, give an inspiring performance, be a great team member, make a thoughtful gift, be an innovative problem-solver, teach your friends, bring us joy, be a computer whiz, a motivating leader, create an inventive picture, make beautiful pottery, write a powerful poem or story, sing an inspiring song, be a thoughtful sibling, kick the goal, give others help, find the answers, set the table, win the contest, organize the toys, do fun tricks, be a loving child, be a loyal friend, set a positive example, etc…
Now it's your turn to Express your TAGs and share the TAGs of your children and what a gift they are to our world.
[1] Our TAG 4 Change BEING ME MATTERS Challenge will relaunch soon and to become a part of our TAGTalk with Marty and our TAG 4 Change Across the US.
Keep an eye out for updates. Those who have been entered remain in the drawing and the rules will continue to apply.
To participate in the future, we will be asking you to ...
- Make your contribution to our fundraising.
- Take a picture or make a video of your child, expressing a TAG. his or her talent for the world to enjoy.
- Post that pic or video on YOUR Facebook timeline and in the post, let the world know how this child is a gift to us all.
- At the end of your post, (1) Tag a friend, (2) Also Tag @ConfidenceEliminatesBullying and (3) Write #TAG4ChangeMovement.
- When we receive your Tag, you'll get a shout out on our Facebook page, and your picture will be added to our website.
- Last, we will make sure your child is entered into the Drawing.
At the End of the Challenge, we will draw the names of 10 winners who will get some awesome extra prizes. Entries are limited to those who follow the steps above.
One entry per contribution. You can contribute and enter as many times as you would like. Have fun expressing who you are and sharing the gift your child is to the world!
This isn't a competition and we'll be drawing 10 winners from all the entries we receive. We wish you the best in being one of those selected. You can get more details on our Facebook page, at: https://www.facebook.com/confidenceeliminatesbullying
[2] Make a Donation, right on this page.
We've made contributing an awesome experience because we've got some super cool Rewards. To make your selection easy, you can read about the Rewards below, or get a quick view in the Rewards column on the right side of this page.
Be sure to look at all the Rewards list because you may see something you really, really want ... and every contribution will help us reach our goal to Create Confident Kids.
We so appreciate your participation in our TAG 4 Change Movement. Together, we are turning the tide of history by eliminating the impact of bullying around the world.
Select the REWARDS that best fit your generous budget.
See the list on the right side of this page.
NOTE: Most perks are scheduled to be delivered by mid-April 2018.
We will keep you updated as to scheduling.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
For helping us Create Confident Kids to Eliminate Bullying, we Thank You!
Please direct any questions to the TAG 4 Change Team by emailing us at:
- 4 claimed
As a mentor, teacher and supporter our thanks contains: [1] The “10 Tips to Create Confident Kids” eBook. This book will guide you to interact with your kids to get more cooperation, have more fun, and your kids start feeling great about who they are. Create more time for yourself while building their self-esteem. [2] A case with a set of Color Pop Green Earbuds for your listening pleasure. Whether you’re an athlete or have one in the family, these will be your reminder to TAG yourself for success.
- 4 claimed
Be a Groundbreaker. Give yourself, and your kids the chance to become the strong team you were meant to be with these : [1] Add the TAG Hard Cover Journal to your rewards and keep notes about how you used the 10 Tips. Let your kids in on the fun when you share your TAG Earbuds. [2] Also get the “10 Steps to Kiss Procrastination Goodbye” eBook. Discover how to Kiss Procrastination Goodbye in a way that enables you to breakthrough where you are stuck and struggling every time resistance gets in your way. This work will help parents and teachers to be more available to your kids as we’re Creating Confident Kids! [3] Get All Previous Rewards
- 1 claimed
You’re a Trend Setter when you take advantages of these success strategies, and receive: [1] Every parent and teacher’s best friend are the things that help them be successful, especially for their kids. This “21 Success Strategies for Business and Life Audio”. These 3–5 min strategies, give you a fresh perspective and new solutions for making the money you expect and the impact you desire. Includes a money mindset meditation. [2] Your very own TAG 4 Change Cotton T-Shirt. Select a Kids or Adult Size. [3] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 3 claimed
Supporting a Pioneer of this work, whether in the states or globally, you’re rewarded with: [1] The book “Get Clear Get Confident Get Going”, personally autographed by author, Marty L. Ward. You will not only learn to Kiss Procrastination Goodbye, you’ll get more tips, strategies and entertaining stories with life lessons that awaken you to a whole new perspective on how to become the most of who you are, to help your kids become their most confident selves. [2] Our thank you at this level also includes a Sturdy Drawstring Bag in Lime Green with our blue TAG logo. As you’re helping children become their most confident selves, whether artistically, athletically, technologically, or otherwise as an innovator with this bag, you can demonstrate you’re helping to build the foundation of creating more confident kids and their futures. [3] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 0 claimed
Creating Confident Kids is easy when you have tools to help. This rewards level includes: [1] 10 Tips to Create Confident Kids Video Series with eBook, and detailed guided instructions and examples given in every video. Get more cooperation, have more fun, build self-esteem, and have your kids feeling great about who they are, while you create more time for yourself. This video series gives you an in-depth understanding of how to get the most out of the 10 Tips trainings so that you create confident kids who believe in themselves rather than the meanness of the bully. [2] Also, use this a great 22” Titan Twist Top Sports Water Bottle in a beautiful, translucent lime green color to quench your thirst while taking in this learning. [3] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 8 claimed
This Special Sponsorship provides: [1] The Gift of Clean Water in 1 school or church in Uganda where they have learned and are practicing their TAGs to Eliminating Bullying by Creating Confident Kids. Your sponsorship will provide a water filter system that will produce 300 gallons of clean water each day for 10 yrs, for 100 kids. [2] You’ll also be the donor of a brand new soccer ball for the kids to have fun while staying healthy. As the Clean Water and Healthy Fun Sponsor, you get this heartfelt Thank You of: [1] Your personal or business name/logo will be placed on the filter housing bucket, [2] A digital picture of the kids holding a “Thank You” sign and displaying your name on the bucket. [3] The picture will also be added to our website, and [4] A special ‘Thank You’ will be mentioned in our newsletter when it is published as well as the special press release thanking you for your contribution.
- 0 claimed
Reward yourself and your kids with: [1] Get to Know Yourself Personality Survey, plus a one-hour 1-on-1 Results Analysis with Marty. Have you ever wondered why you repeat undesirable patterns? Seeing the same with your kids? Want more fun, joy and fulfillment in life? Wish there was less tension and unrest in your home? Discover how to improve your relationship with yourself and others to create the success and life you desire. [2] Many of the problems that cause anxious, short-tempered adults are related to money. The “7 Magical Money Making Mindset Tools” eBook resets the mindset to attract money into your life, and you feel more energized, excited and happy each day. Watch your relationships improve, at home and at work. [3] Also includes a light-weight, insulated bottom, Collapsible Backpack Cooler. Athletes, students, parents or teachers use for lunches/snacks, or for that day at the park where kids play and you watch a video on your smartphone. [4] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 0 claimed
Ambassadors are rewarded with: [1] Steps to Be Inspired into A.C.T.I.O.N. eBook + Video Series with 6 Steps Checklist to Be Inspired into A.C.T.I.O.N. Align with Your Soul’s Signature. Commit to listen to the wisdom of your emotions. Transform limiting beliefs into the Success Ripple effect. Integrity is the key to being at peace Openly express who you are. Never allow doubt to do anything more than awaken you. Do this training by yourself, or with your teenage kids and watch them go from struggling to successful because of the understanding gained. [2] Our thank you at this level also includes something every teacher and parent needs in this digital age to keep your devices powered. It’s a sleek TAG Jive 2000 mAh Power Bank Keychain, Green on White with the blue TAG logo. [3] Plus, All Previous Rewards (Does Not Include Water/Fun Sponsorship)
- 0 claimed
The Way Shower is so important to the TAG work by helping others find their way. As a donor, get: [1] Your personally autographed copy of the book “My Private Sessions - Unlock Your Potential” by author Marty L. Ward. [2] The 10 Steps to Kiss Procrastination Goodbye eBook and Video. In this special package, Marty unveils the process she used to recover from the devastating effects of bullying. [3] Our thank you also includes one (1) Gildan Front Zippered Hoodie with the “BEING ME MATTERS” Key on Front and the TAG 4 Change logo on the Back. This high-quality Hoodie comes in Black with a White Logo. Select a kids or adult size. [4] Plus, All Previous Rewards (Does Not Include Water/Fun Sponsorship)
- 0 claimed
The Difference Maker Sponsor can use or gift: [1] A 2-Hour Private Mini-VIP Session with Marty, creator of Confidence Eliminates Bullying and all of the teacher, parent and child related trainings. When you Know how Talented, Able and Gifted you are, you can explore your own TAGs and Gain More Confidence as you TAG Yourself for Success. [2] This is the perfect session to gift to your teen, young adult, any parent, or teacher to become more Confident, and Fall in Love with Themselves; resulting in knowing for sure that they have what it takes to be successful personally and professionally, based on who they actually are. [3] You also receive this beautiful Port Authority Extra Long, Royal Blue Fleece Scarf to wear as a proud supporter of the TAG 4 Change Movement. [4] Plus, All Previous Rewards (Does Not Include Water/Fun Sponsorship)
- 0 claimed
Customized Kid/Teacher/Parent Training at a US school of your choice AND the Gift of Clean Water with a water filter system producing 300 gallons of clean water daily for 10 years, at 10 schools or churches in Uganda. Each school or church also gets a brand new soccer ball for kids’ fun while staying healthy. This heartfelt Thank You includes: [1] Copy of TAG 4 Change Movement-Journey to Africa Photo Journal, branded with Name/Logo, [2] Personal or Business Name/Logo on front of filter housing bucket, [3] Digital picture of the kids, Marty, Pastor Buni & Teachers holding “Thank You” sign, showing name on the bucket and the soccer ball. [4] Picture added to TAG website, with pictures of kids having clean water & fun [5] Facebook Page promotions, [6] Special ‘Thank You’ mentioned in TAG newsletter when published, [7] Special mention in post campaign special press releases, [8] Framed Certificate of Appreciation, [9] Plus, All Difference Maker Sponsor Rewards
- 0 claimed
Give support to Teachers in 2 US Schools being Trained by Marty in the TAG Methodology. You will be creating change in and for Teachers and Students that will positively impact the rest of their lives. At this level sponsorship, you will receive: [1] Your personal or business name/logo placed on the Banner used at every US Event for a year, [2] Your name/logo added to our website, along with picture of the group of Teachers that Marty trained from each school, [3] We will promote the Thank You to our Facebook page, [4] A special ‘Thank You’ will be mentioned in our newsletter when it is published, [5] Name/logo on fliers and promotional material for TAG events hosted or attended for 1 year [6] There will be a special mention in our post campaign special press release thanking you for your contribution. [7] Framed Certificate of Appreciation for your sponsorship contribution. [8] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 0 claimed
Provide a Place to Create with a TAG Picnic Table on the Playground at the school of your choice, Customized Teacher Training and Parent Workshops. Create a special place for kids to gather to have lunch or create. Sponsors are invited to be part of installing the TAG Picnic table, decorated with the students' depiction of Talents, Abilities and Gifts (TAGs). The Place to Create signifies: Friendships, Projects, Solutions to Conflicts, or Connections. Following the school wide and parent training on the 5 Keys to Eliminate Bullying, the sponsoring business(es) or organization(s) Place to Create Banner, signed by students, teachers, administrators & staff to indicate commitment to being Confidence Boosters™ rather than Fault Finders™, is raised in a school wide ceremony. Receive: [1] Photos of Table Installation and Place to Create Commitment Sign, [2] Plaque for you to display, [3] Rewards Presentation Ceremony, [4] Special Press Release, and [5] All Change Maker Sponsor Rewards
- 0 claimed
Get top billing where Hundreds of Teachers, Parents and Kids are positively impacted thru the Customized Trainings, Workshops and Production of “The Flip Side” Play at the school of your choice. “The Flip Side” teaches cast, crew and audience how to discover their power lies within and not in the bullying. As the kids put on the play, they learn to understand and manage emotions, while having fun developing their Talents, Abilities, & Gifts (TAGs). The result is confident kids who believe in themselves rather than in the mean words of the bully, and a school where more people are Confidence Boosters rather than Fault Finders™. Receive: [1] Name on performance marquee, program and all Play publicity, [2] Special Recognition from Stage, [3] Play Photo Journal Branded with Name/Logo, [4] Name/Logo printed on TAG Canopy for 1 year displayed at sponsor/vendor events, [5] Name in all program presentations for 1 year, and [6] All Change Maker Sponsor Rewards
See all activity36Updates
TAG 4 Change - Confidence Eliminates Bullying Community
Our community shows our leading supporters and the contributions they've made or inspired by sharing our campaign.
How it works
To appear in our community, simply make a contribution to our campaign
and show your name, or inspire a contribution from someone else by sharing your personal link (below).
The more contributions you make or inspire, the higher you'll go and the more the campaign will benefit.
How it works
To appear in our community, simply make a contribution to our campaign
and show your name, or inspire a contribution from someone else by sharing your personal link (below).
The more contributions you make or inspire, the higher you'll go and the more the campaign will benefit.
Here's your personal link to share:
Copy- 4 claimed
As a mentor, teacher and supporter our thanks contains: [1] The “10 Tips to Create Confident Kids” eBook. This book will guide you to interact with your kids to get more cooperation, have more fun, and your kids start feeling great about who they are. Create more time for yourself while building their self-esteem. [2] A case with a set of Color Pop Green Earbuds for your listening pleasure. Whether you’re an athlete or have one in the family, these will be your reminder to TAG yourself for success.
- 4 claimed
Be a Groundbreaker. Give yourself, and your kids the chance to become the strong team you were meant to be with these : [1] Add the TAG Hard Cover Journal to your rewards and keep notes about how you used the 10 Tips. Let your kids in on the fun when you share your TAG Earbuds. [2] Also get the “10 Steps to Kiss Procrastination Goodbye” eBook. Discover how to Kiss Procrastination Goodbye in a way that enables you to breakthrough where you are stuck and struggling every time resistance gets in your way. This work will help parents and teachers to be more available to your kids as we’re Creating Confident Kids! [3] Get All Previous Rewards
- 1 claimed
You’re a Trend Setter when you take advantages of these success strategies, and receive: [1] Every parent and teacher’s best friend are the things that help them be successful, especially for their kids. This “21 Success Strategies for Business and Life Audio”. These 3–5 min strategies, give you a fresh perspective and new solutions for making the money you expect and the impact you desire. Includes a money mindset meditation. [2] Your very own TAG 4 Change Cotton T-Shirt. Select a Kids or Adult Size. [3] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 3 claimed
Supporting a Pioneer of this work, whether in the states or globally, you’re rewarded with: [1] The book “Get Clear Get Confident Get Going”, personally autographed by author, Marty L. Ward. You will not only learn to Kiss Procrastination Goodbye, you’ll get more tips, strategies and entertaining stories with life lessons that awaken you to a whole new perspective on how to become the most of who you are, to help your kids become their most confident selves. [2] Our thank you at this level also includes a Sturdy Drawstring Bag in Lime Green with our blue TAG logo. As you’re helping children become their most confident selves, whether artistically, athletically, technologically, or otherwise as an innovator with this bag, you can demonstrate you’re helping to build the foundation of creating more confident kids and their futures. [3] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 0 claimed
Creating Confident Kids is easy when you have tools to help. This rewards level includes: [1] 10 Tips to Create Confident Kids Video Series with eBook, and detailed guided instructions and examples given in every video. Get more cooperation, have more fun, build self-esteem, and have your kids feeling great about who they are, while you create more time for yourself. This video series gives you an in-depth understanding of how to get the most out of the 10 Tips trainings so that you create confident kids who believe in themselves rather than the meanness of the bully. [2] Also, use this a great 22” Titan Twist Top Sports Water Bottle in a beautiful, translucent lime green color to quench your thirst while taking in this learning. [3] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 8 claimed
This Special Sponsorship provides: [1] The Gift of Clean Water in 1 school or church in Uganda where they have learned and are practicing their TAGs to Eliminating Bullying by Creating Confident Kids. Your sponsorship will provide a water filter system that will produce 300 gallons of clean water each day for 10 yrs, for 100 kids. [2] You’ll also be the donor of a brand new soccer ball for the kids to have fun while staying healthy. As the Clean Water and Healthy Fun Sponsor, you get this heartfelt Thank You of: [1] Your personal or business name/logo will be placed on the filter housing bucket, [2] A digital picture of the kids holding a “Thank You” sign and displaying your name on the bucket. [3] The picture will also be added to our website, and [4] A special ‘Thank You’ will be mentioned in our newsletter when it is published as well as the special press release thanking you for your contribution.
- 0 claimed
Reward yourself and your kids with: [1] Get to Know Yourself Personality Survey, plus a one-hour 1-on-1 Results Analysis with Marty. Have you ever wondered why you repeat undesirable patterns? Seeing the same with your kids? Want more fun, joy and fulfillment in life? Wish there was less tension and unrest in your home? Discover how to improve your relationship with yourself and others to create the success and life you desire. [2] Many of the problems that cause anxious, short-tempered adults are related to money. The “7 Magical Money Making Mindset Tools” eBook resets the mindset to attract money into your life, and you feel more energized, excited and happy each day. Watch your relationships improve, at home and at work. [3] Also includes a light-weight, insulated bottom, Collapsible Backpack Cooler. Athletes, students, parents or teachers use for lunches/snacks, or for that day at the park where kids play and you watch a video on your smartphone. [4] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 0 claimed
Ambassadors are rewarded with: [1] Steps to Be Inspired into A.C.T.I.O.N. eBook + Video Series with 6 Steps Checklist to Be Inspired into A.C.T.I.O.N. Align with Your Soul’s Signature. Commit to listen to the wisdom of your emotions. Transform limiting beliefs into the Success Ripple effect. Integrity is the key to being at peace Openly express who you are. Never allow doubt to do anything more than awaken you. Do this training by yourself, or with your teenage kids and watch them go from struggling to successful because of the understanding gained. [2] Our thank you at this level also includes something every teacher and parent needs in this digital age to keep your devices powered. It’s a sleek TAG Jive 2000 mAh Power Bank Keychain, Green on White with the blue TAG logo. [3] Plus, All Previous Rewards (Does Not Include Water/Fun Sponsorship)
- 0 claimed
The Way Shower is so important to the TAG work by helping others find their way. As a donor, get: [1] Your personally autographed copy of the book “My Private Sessions - Unlock Your Potential” by author Marty L. Ward. [2] The 10 Steps to Kiss Procrastination Goodbye eBook and Video. In this special package, Marty unveils the process she used to recover from the devastating effects of bullying. [3] Our thank you also includes one (1) Gildan Front Zippered Hoodie with the “BEING ME MATTERS” Key on Front and the TAG 4 Change logo on the Back. This high-quality Hoodie comes in Black with a White Logo. Select a kids or adult size. [4] Plus, All Previous Rewards (Does Not Include Water/Fun Sponsorship)
- 0 claimed
The Difference Maker Sponsor can use or gift: [1] A 2-Hour Private Mini-VIP Session with Marty, creator of Confidence Eliminates Bullying and all of the teacher, parent and child related trainings. When you Know how Talented, Able and Gifted you are, you can explore your own TAGs and Gain More Confidence as you TAG Yourself for Success. [2] This is the perfect session to gift to your teen, young adult, any parent, or teacher to become more Confident, and Fall in Love with Themselves; resulting in knowing for sure that they have what it takes to be successful personally and professionally, based on who they actually are. [3] You also receive this beautiful Port Authority Extra Long, Royal Blue Fleece Scarf to wear as a proud supporter of the TAG 4 Change Movement. [4] Plus, All Previous Rewards (Does Not Include Water/Fun Sponsorship)
- 0 claimed
Customized Kid/Teacher/Parent Training at a US school of your choice AND the Gift of Clean Water with a water filter system producing 300 gallons of clean water daily for 10 years, at 10 schools or churches in Uganda. Each school or church also gets a brand new soccer ball for kids’ fun while staying healthy. This heartfelt Thank You includes: [1] Copy of TAG 4 Change Movement-Journey to Africa Photo Journal, branded with Name/Logo, [2] Personal or Business Name/Logo on front of filter housing bucket, [3] Digital picture of the kids, Marty, Pastor Buni & Teachers holding “Thank You” sign, showing name on the bucket and the soccer ball. [4] Picture added to TAG website, with pictures of kids having clean water & fun [5] Facebook Page promotions, [6] Special ‘Thank You’ mentioned in TAG newsletter when published, [7] Special mention in post campaign special press releases, [8] Framed Certificate of Appreciation, [9] Plus, All Difference Maker Sponsor Rewards
- 0 claimed
Give support to Teachers in 2 US Schools being Trained by Marty in the TAG Methodology. You will be creating change in and for Teachers and Students that will positively impact the rest of their lives. At this level sponsorship, you will receive: [1] Your personal or business name/logo placed on the Banner used at every US Event for a year, [2] Your name/logo added to our website, along with picture of the group of Teachers that Marty trained from each school, [3] We will promote the Thank You to our Facebook page, [4] A special ‘Thank You’ will be mentioned in our newsletter when it is published, [5] Name/logo on fliers and promotional material for TAG events hosted or attended for 1 year [6] There will be a special mention in our post campaign special press release thanking you for your contribution. [7] Framed Certificate of Appreciation for your sponsorship contribution. [8] Plus, All Previous Rewards
- 0 claimed
Provide a Place to Create with a TAG Picnic Table on the Playground at the school of your choice, Customized Teacher Training and Parent Workshops. Create a special place for kids to gather to have lunch or create. Sponsors are invited to be part of installing the TAG Picnic table, decorated with the students' depiction of Talents, Abilities and Gifts (TAGs). The Place to Create signifies: Friendships, Projects, Solutions to Conflicts, or Connections. Following the school wide and parent training on the 5 Keys to Eliminate Bullying, the sponsoring business(es) or organization(s) Place to Create Banner, signed by students, teachers, administrators & staff to indicate commitment to being Confidence Boosters™ rather than Fault Finders™, is raised in a school wide ceremony. Receive: [1] Photos of Table Installation and Place to Create Commitment Sign, [2] Plaque for you to display, [3] Rewards Presentation Ceremony, [4] Special Press Release, and [5] All Change Maker Sponsor Rewards
- 0 claimed
Get top billing where Hundreds of Teachers, Parents and Kids are positively impacted thru the Customized Trainings, Workshops and Production of “The Flip Side” Play at the school of your choice. “The Flip Side” teaches cast, crew and audience how to discover their power lies within and not in the bullying. As the kids put on the play, they learn to understand and manage emotions, while having fun developing their Talents, Abilities, & Gifts (TAGs). The result is confident kids who believe in themselves rather than in the mean words of the bully, and a school where more people are Confidence Boosters rather than Fault Finders™. Receive: [1] Name on performance marquee, program and all Play publicity, [2] Special Recognition from Stage, [3] Play Photo Journal Branded with Name/Logo, [4] Name/Logo printed on TAG Canopy for 1 year displayed at sponsor/vendor events, [5] Name in all program presentations for 1 year, and [6] All Change Maker Sponsor Rewards
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Nothing grabs attention for your cause like a personal video. Take a minute or two to record one now. Record a short video message of support. Or upload one from your device. You can preview or redo your video before you post it.
Nothing grabs attention for your cause like a personal video. Upload a short video message of support. Upload a short video message of support. Or record one right now.
- Most effective video length: about a minute.
- Maximum length: 5 min.
- You can preview or redo your video before you post it.
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Use your endorsement banner to tell why our cause matters to you. Such personal endorsements are proven to increase campaign contributions. When enabled, your endorsement banner appears at the top of the campaign for everyone who visits a link you shared.
You can always adjust your endorsement from the campaign Share page—even if it's been disabled.
Your message
Tell people why our cause matters to you. Your personal message will encourage others to help. Easy, effective, optional.
Say it in video
Short personal videos by supporters like you are incredibly powerful. Record one right now and you'll help us raise more money. Easy, optional, effective.
Add a personal goal
Set a personal fundraising goal. You'll encourage more contributions if you do. And rest easy. There's no obligation to achieve your goal or bad consequences if you don't. Easy, optional, effective.
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