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Dear Fellow Canadian,
If it was possible to talk to every one of you in person, we would, but that would be a logistical nightmare for us at this time, so we have adopted this method of communication in the hopes that this letter gets read by all Canadians who want to see really beneficial changes in their country. Not like the changes we are seeing today and have been the victims of since 2006. (or much longer according to some) We hope you want to see changes that are being led by those who will represent you and not multinational corporations which are so obviously in control and we all know their only interested is their “bottom lines”.
We believe it is Canadians should be the beneficiaries of any changes their government commits to. Yet most of us can see that most of the changes instituted by our current and previous federal governments have not benefited the citizens of Canada! In many cases, you may have lived your entire lives wondering when a government will ever represent you! We believe it is obvious that Canadian governments have gone in a direction that left our people bewildered, disillusioned and unemployed!
Our Canadian youth certainly no longer believes in our political system and most refuse to be involved since they don’t see policies which benefit them and no policies which will secure any type of future for them. Even a large percentage of adults have opted out of being involved in the electoral process since every new government continues to charge off into a direction that not even their parties own MP’s seem to understand!
The above points leads us to understand why a large portion of bewildered, disillusioned, and unemployed Canadians have become angry with our political system. They can not in good conscience support any of the political parties and they are refusing to exercise their right to vote or enter the political arena.
They realise in their anger that “No One Represents Us”!
If you are actually satisfied with this “dysfunctional Canada” and find it represents what you want in a system and what you want in a government that represents you and your interests, you need not read any further since this letter is not addressed to you.
But, if you want something better for Canada and your fellow Canadians, we would like to introduce ourselves;
We are The Canadian Action Party,
and we want to represent you - but we need your support to enable us to do that!
Our policies are revolutionary and they will make an immediate and positive difference in Canada. We ask you to feel free to look at them on our webpage:
Please consider “who” it is being addressed within the intentions of our policies and feel free to ask online any other questions about our policies you may have.
When you see in fact it is “you” and “your family” we designed our policies to serve, we in turn are then going to ask “you” to give us the support we need to carry forward. We intend to make a big impact in this upcoming federal election! It is “you the people” we need in politics today to understand your role and your importance to help us win this election for you! You can not afford to let us be seen as a fourth party in a three party system! We seriously want to be the number one party in Canada because we will represent the people!
For those reasons, we are asking you to support us, The Canadian Action Party!
With your help, we will represent you and your interests! Now
is the time for the people’s interests to make the big dent in
politics. During this next election, The Canadian Action Party is
going to be your voice that makes that dent! By representing the
needs of the people of Canada and not the business elite, The
Canadian Action Party stands to win this next election on it’s
platform alone!
The Canadian Action Party is NOT a new political party!
We have been active and registered with Elections Canada since 1995 and we have had some pretty accomplished politicians at our helm and in our ranks.
For those who believe our plan cannot win an election, we only ask you to look at Greece where a fringe party ‘Syriza’ won by a small majority and now the European Banks, the IMF, and the BIS are being forced to pay attention to Greece because the Syriza government wants its own central bank to finance their country.
We Canadians are not anxious to have unnecessary austerity measures forced upon us like the people of Greece did!
Global financiers have to take account of what they are doing to the western world since people are figuring out their antics! One of them is forcing loans on governments in a financial crisis and charging them higher interest rates than can be afforded by the people of the country and we believe this is certainly immoral since it is the people who pay and not the people in government!
Now combine this with the use of international law as part of their legal maneuvers and add the force of other governments offering their support to further demands of repayment and they assure that the countries they now control through loans and debt are being forced to adhere to their policies and will be in their debt - forever!
We in The Canadian Action Party understand the workings of finance and banking and we have a workable plan to extricate Canada from this web of debt and join with Greece and the other financially independent countries as well as those wishing to become independent by using our own central banks to finance our own country as they were designed to do!
Canada’s central bank, The Bank of Canada, is presently controlled by international finance and no government, nor any political party, are willing to discuss or use government powers to return The Bank of Canada too it’s initial role of solely serving Canadians.
That is, no party except ours!
The Canadian Action Party!
Please think about this for a minute. Our central bank, The
Bank of Canada, has been following policies dictated by international
finance and they have been doing so for many years. Yet our bank is
supposedly “publicly owned” or “nationalized” (a rare case for most
central banks which are usually privately owned) and therefore
obligated to do the will or in the least what is best for the people
of the country who are it’s shareholders.
Our bank is supposed to be controlled by the government for the people because they own it, in trust, for the people.
Pretty simple, but not the facts of its operation when considering our central bank presently! Despite these facts, we still have governments and all other political parties, other than The Canadian Action Party, outrightly refusing to commit to forcing The Bank of Canada to function in accordance with the laws it was formed under in 1935!
The Canadian Action Party will demand The Bank of Canada to be used to finance the needs of Canada!
Why would we demand this as a policy?
The Canadian Action Party believes it shows very clearly to international finance who is in control of this country! Our willingness to stand economically against the influence of other nations and allying ourselves with those also breaking away from debt based economic policies and foreign influence will surely send out a strong message of whoit is that is actually in control of this country - the people! We aim to move that control back into the hands of the people with a government that is clearly on their side and willing to serve the interests of Canada and Canadians. We aim to make this country great once again! We want you behind us as well in a show of resolve to accomplish just that!
The Canadian Action Party believes the story in Greece and Iceland are popular movements of the people in those countries away from international influences of forced austerity to make up for any losses international bankers suffer! Austerity is nothing more than a redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich! It is NEVER a necessity! It is artificial, only hurts the poor and working class and this is a fact most economists agree with! We do not believe austerity is a policy that is true to Canadian values.
Imagine if we Canadians do the same as the people of Greece and we elect The Canadian Action Party in this year’s upcoming election!
We will make those effective changes that will benefit Canadians! We will change bad trade laws immediately and we will institute laws and policies for the long term as enshrined in our political parties 5 pillars.
Many of our policies are only now being discussed in progressive and reform minded political circles and forums! These have been our policies and visions since 1995 and they will make effective changes for the better in Canada!
If you are looking to become involved in anyway with a political party that will represent you and your fellow Canadians, we want you to join with us in support of The Canadian Action Party and our call for change! If you would be willing to support a party that represents you, we believe we are the party you are looking for!
We also need you to join our ranks as a member!
We need your support to get the word out about us and we need some of you to even run in areas where we have still not got members to run for members of parliament!
Your tax deductible financial support is much appreciated and will be respected and will certainly not be wasted!
Through your show of support for us to win in this next federal election, you will send a loud message to the three uniparties!
No more cap in hand! We are voting for change!
Our party wants to stop austerity in it’s tracks and
prevent it from EVER happening again in Canada!
Austerity does not work for people - but it does for the big banks.
On Sovereignty:
The Canadian Action Party believes in Canada’s national sovereignty!
We believe in always considering Canada and Canadians first.
Therefore, The Canadian Action Party will assert that Canadian rights and laws are to override, as supreme, all others when it comes to maintaining the full control of our land, sea and air along with our institutions and our destiny.
Our party members believe, very strongly, that only a completely derailed administration would promote a terrible piece of legislation like Bill C-51! This bill is cited as “anti-terror legislation” but a read of the legislation proves it is anything but “anti-terror”!
It is factually this administration granting itself the right to spy on all its citizens, to remove their sovereignty, many of their civil rights, as well as blatantly disregarding any native treaties.
This administration has even stated they believe they have the right to classify environmental and political groups perceived by them as opposed to their political policies as terrorists under their new law. This is called “criminalizing dissent” and it is not a democratic ideal at all! No longer considered “political dissenters” exercising their rights but they are now “terrorist” under this new law? “Grandmothers for Peace/Against War”, “The Council of Canadians” and “The Sierra Club” are now openly in this present government’s crosshairs as terrorists!
Yes Really!
On Civil Rights:
The Canadian Action Party believes in your civil rights!
The Constitution of Canada (1982) is still in effect, yet through the actions of this present administration and global forces, some of the articles of this law, along with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, gets ignored. They seem to get weaker every day and that weakness flows over into your rights as a citizen of Canada.
We must ensure all Canadians are safe from discrimination. We must maintain their physical and mental integrity by providing a safer life with protection from discrimination on grounds such as race, gender, nation of origin, skin colour, sexual orientation, religion or disability.
We will support individual rights to:
- Privacy.
- Freedom of thought and conscience.
- Freedom of speech, expression and religion.
- Freedom of the Press.
- Freedom of assembly, association and movement.
- Freedom for all citizens to vote in a Canadian Election.
- Freedom to enjoy unimpeded travel.
- We also believe in the civil rights of citizens in other countries.
- We will protect our citizens and their civil rights when they travel abroad and we will use all methods of diplomacy to assure we maintain those same rights abroad!
The Canadian Action Party will change:
- Unjust or repressive laws.
- We will return to our “Canadian way” of Peace Keeping.
- We will use diplomacy instead of violence and war!
If we return to a method of helping them instead of attacking them other nations will have no reason to attack us or hate us.
The Canadian Action Party will repeal bad laws such as:
- The Fair Elections Act.
- Bill C 51 Supposed, anti-terrorist legislation.
- Any and all “trade agreements” or other “alternate laws” that prevent or restrict Canadian laws of freedom and sovereignty and/or prevent any further laws of that sort to be written by a government!
Our party members believe that every eligible Canadian must have the right to use their vote freely and any laws that restrict their ability to vote will be removed from the books!
We believe that The “Fair” Elections Act’ is proving to be anything but “fair” when the law is actually read!
We plan to remove the Fair Elections Act law from our books and institute a form of proportional representation far more fair to all voting Canadians and their wishes.
On Money:
In the Canadian Action Party we believe our current monetary system drains the body economic through excessive and compounding interest. This interest is charged to the people. This is done willingly by our governments using private “for profit” investors - instead of our own central bank. The government is entitled and some say obligated to do so, yet they have been refusing to do so and NO OTHER POLITICAL PARTY IS WILLING TO CHANGE THIS.
Therefore, it is solely The Canadian Action Party that will reinstate the Bank of Canada’s function to control the creation of our money supply and revert to the old monetary policies that best serves the interest of Canadians!
We are NOT against private banks or investment houses. They can, and should, fill the roles they were initially allowed by government to do through charterships and that is to lend money to businesses and individuals but only based on their “assets on hand”and no longer through creating ledger money in amounts so great it would factually be impossible to ever repay what is owed.
Their assets should be backed by the borrowers assets, the deposits available to lend that they have on hand and the holders of those banking assets should be the beneficiaries of the profits off of loans. This is still supposed to be the job of private banks and we want to assure that they return to fulfilling their sole role!
We see the job of The Bank of Canada as the sole lender to finance the federal government.
Some Canadians understand what monetary reform means to a nation’s strength and sovereignty, and you should know that we are the only registered federal political party with the fortitude to address this very issue in Canadian politics today!
It is also time to admit that, as Canadians, we all deserve to be healthy when building or maintaining a country's well being. Access to free healthcare as well as education should be a benefit of being and working as a citizen of Canada. We also need a strong and secure set of social safety nets also. Although some of these are considered the funding jurisdictions of the provinces and territories, the present federal government demands private/public funding partnerships or they refuse to fund transfer payments to the provinces. Effectively, the federal government is holding the provinces hostage to force the privatization of public services. This method of public/private funding is also driving service costs up provincially and the present federal governments policy is to refuse to listen to any dissent from affected provinces and numerous individuals!
The Canadian Action Party will provide adequate funding to assist the provinces and territories in this regard as we are going to renew the National Health Accord that was let to expire by this administration.
On Parliament:
The Canadian Action Party sees our parliament today as a dysfunctional hollow shell of its original concept. It is dictatorial in nature with partisanship, party whips and excessively rampant lobbying! Their policies seem personal and often contrary to what is revealed about them in their private lives! They certainly are not ashamed to overtly show to the public they alone are entitled to pay increases when they see fit and they in turn buck any negative input or dissent from the public they serve. Patronage against public outcries is also increasing and so is government secrecy. Our parliament no longer functions in a democratic manner and we in The Canadian Action Party will fight to reform our federal parliament.
We will enact:
- Proportional Representation in a manner chosen by the Canadian people.
- Parliamentary recall.
- Active roles for the opposition parties in committee processes.
- Popular representation of their ridings by Members of Parliament.
- True public input into policy, our parliament must listen to dissenters - not criminalize them! MPs are there to serve the peoples’ interest and no one else’s.
- We will abolish all omnibus bills.
- We will reform the role of the Speaker in both Houses to assure that he/she is acting in a completely non partisan manner.
On the Environment:
The Canadian Action Party understands the value of a clean - make that a “pristine” environment! Therefore, we will re-instate and enforce stand alone environmental protection laws, a system to enforce and continually monitor all aspects of the environment and we will protect it into the future for our future generations. Laws and all trade agreements must reflect our beliefs in a pristine environment and solar innovation, along with wind, tidal power and environmentally friendly hydropower must all be considered as “best practice” when building, rebuilding and enhancing our power and future technologies infrastructures.
Damming of rivers and fracking for shale gas are neither people nor environmentally friendly practices and they are highly questionable methods of seeking power or fossil fuels simply due to the outright harm to our water supply along with the citizen’s concerns they cause it is reasonable that the government of Canada must move away from allowing these practices!
Funding and research for new environmentally friendly energy technologies must be a prime motivator of Canadian technological primacy and innovation.
It is time for Canada to take the lead in the world for designing a green economy. We are the guardians of some of the most unique environmental treasures in the world and we are also morally charged with maintaining them for the future generations to enjoy. A green economy is the best way to assure that protection.
The Canadian Action Party will assure:
- Our rights will also have a consideration of our access to clean water, clean air and uncontaminated soil in which to grow real wholesome foods uncontaminated by genetically modified organisms and toxically dangerous pesticides.
- All our decisions will take into account the environmental protection of our air, land, water and the native species that live there.
- Our government will truly support and fund for a green economy.
- We will work with other countries towards a common goal of a pollution free earth and never will we move in a direction that is against that ideal.
Above all, we want our government to tell the truth to Canadians and to be open to Canadians. We want our government to tell the citizens our rationales. We want you to understand how money is created and how a government is involved and want to prove that governments should actually work for the people. This takes education and some work on a citizens part and we all know we are working harder than ever for less and time is not something we want to use learning politics and money stuff but if you elect to join us, you will learn that we worked hard to understand the workings of government, legislation and many of us are born out of activists circles and we have all educated ourselves on our particular interests.
The Canadian Action Party believes that informed Canadians are an asset to any party that is looking to change things for the better. We hope you can see that too.
We hope you can see how and why big business rules over us, through trade and investments deals for example with their perceived lost profits clauses, and we hope you are willing to take a stand with The Canadian Action Party and help us to change that once and for all. We are not against big business per se but we are against big business creating our laws. Canadian should create our laws and big business should abide by those laws.
Politics has become stuck in a ‘left vs right’ battle when in fact it is a ‘top vs bottom’ battle, and there are more Canadians involuntarily stuck in the bottom of our economic system. We know this is not necessary and bad for Canada. We aim to fix that!
We in The Canadian Action Party trust you will join with us to change Canada for the better, and it must be done by all of us together to make those changes a reality.
If not you and I, then who?
We need your financial, moral and active membership support because we have always refused corporate or union donations, even before such donations became illegal. We refused due to the demands they place on political parties. Therefore we can only count on you as real Canadians for donations, support and membership!
We trust you can see the wisdom of joining The Canadian Action Party in order to make the changes Canadians really want to see, and to assure for all of us a better Canada now for our children’s’ futures.
We need each other very much in order to make these changes.
Thank You!
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