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The story for Day of the Year is inspired by the feelings we all get as one phase of life comes to an end and another begins. For these characters, that phase is the end of college. Most stories and films cover "coming of age" themes as characters come out of high school but what I wanted to explore with this film is how those themes still continue through college, and even the rest of our lives. We all have an innate desire to stay young forever.. every generation feels it and celebrates their hay day. Some refuse to admit that those seasons change. There are also those of us who desperately want to grow up, and push for it every day.
This film is set in a highly artistic community, Provo, Utah, where I have lived and studied as an artist and actor for 3 and a half years. What I have found is a town where interestingly enough, these two types of people interact every day. In a city where most college kids have gone on a mission for the LDS church, sometimes they return as a 22 year old, just starting college. So much of the "growing up" stage that happens right out of high school, happens in the mid twenties. There are also people who, because of the strong emphasis on family that the culture there encourages, sometimes there is a pressure to want to grow up and get married very quickly.. sometimes to a fault. This film is a hyperbole of all those themes and people. It also embraces a very interesting artistic community in Provo, where talented and nationally acclaimed palywrights, musicians, actors and filmmakers have come from or studied at. Day of the Year is a day in the life of this town and these characters, and after this day they will never be the same.
We need the money to finish shooting the second half of the film, and for post production. We hope to raise enough money to cover both.
- 8 claimed
Help support this campaign by making a $25.00 contribution and get a $25.00 sponsored Gift Card from places like BEST BUY, THE GAP, STARBUCKS, THE KEG, TOYS R US, SEARS and more! This Perk is sponsored by the Crowd Funder TV Show! We will contact you within 7-days so you can select your perk.
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Help support this campaign by making a $50.00 contribution and get a $50.00 sponsored Gift Card from places like BEST BUY, THE GAP, THE KEG, TOYS R US, SEARS, BOSTON PIZZA and more! This Perk is sponsored by the Crowd Funder TV Show! We will contact you within 7-days so you can select your perk.
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Help support this campaign by making a $25.00 contribution and get a $25.00 sponsored Gift Card from places like BEST BUY, THE GAP, STARBUCKS, THE KEG, TOYS R US, SEARS and more! This Perk is sponsored by the Crowd Funder TV Show! We will contact you within 7-days so you can select your perk.
- 1 claimed
Help support this campaign by making a $50.00 contribution and get a $50.00 sponsored Gift Card from places like BEST BUY, THE GAP, THE KEG, TOYS R US, SEARS, BOSTON PIZZA and more! This Perk is sponsored by the Crowd Funder TV Show! We will contact you within 7-days so you can select your perk.
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