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Peace Valley Landowner Assoc. / Peace Valley Environment Assoc. hasn't added a story.
Help the Peace Valley Landowner Association Challenge Site C in Court.
Help fund the Peace Valley Landowner Assoc. court cases in British Columbia Supreme Court and in Federal Court to quash the environmental assessment approvals for the proposed Site C Dam.
This is our LAST chance to save the Peace Valley and hold the line on dramatic increases to electricity rates and the over $62 billion provincial debt.
Watch these two videos to see what we are at risk of losing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZXIwESE0iI&feature=youtu.be and https://vimeo.com/105453589
We are farmers, ranchers, and rural residents who live in the area which will be ruined by Site C. Like other BC taxpayers and ratepayers, we will also pay for Site C, should it proceed.
Site C would flood and impact 50,000 acres of prime agricultural, recreational, and cattle grazing land, turn a pristine 83 kilometre stretch of the Peace River into dam reservoir, and would cause irreversible adverse impacts on First Nations.
Like others, we would also be saddled with at least $8 billion more in total provincial debt and major increases to electricity rates to pay for Site C. This would be on top of the recently announced 28% electricity rate increase.
To add insult to injury, we believe that the federal and provincial government didn’t follow their own laws when they issued environmental approvals for Site C in October 2014. Here’s why:
The federal/provincial Site C Joint Review Panel found there were fundamental problems with the assessment of the economic effects of Site C. The JRP recommended that Site C be referred to the independent and expert BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) for further assessment, including further review of the cost of Site C, the need for Site C, and the feasibility of potentially much less costly alternatives. Instead, the federal and provincial decision makers ignored the JRP and approved issuance of the Site C Environmental Assessment Approvals.
We are not prepared to have the Peace Valley ruined, be flooded out, and like other BC citizens, pay for Site C through increased electricity rates or taxes, all for a project with an invalid Environmental Assessment Certificate.
Help us fund our court cases in British Columbia Supreme Court and in Federal Court to quash the environmental assessment approvals for Site C.
Any donation will be gratefully accepted and will be used by the Peace Valley Landowner Association to cover the costs associated with these court cases.
Donations are non-refundable. If there are any excess funds left after completion of the court cases, the PVLA Board will decide how best to use them to create a brighter future for the Peace River Valley taking into consideration the "Alternate Vision for the Peace River Valley" joint presentation to the Joint Review Panel and JRP Recommendation #19:
"The Panel recommends that, if the Project does not proceed, the Province, after consultation with affected local parties, remove the flood reserve in a manner that preserves the agricultural, wildlife and heritage values of the Peace River Valley."
Please also e-mail us at pvla@xplornet.com so we can provide you with updates on the progress of our court cases.
For further information contact Ken Boon, President, PVLA at 250-262-3205.
Mail address: SS#2, Site 12, Comp. 19 Fort St John, BC V1J 4M7
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