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Mi smo Organizacioni odbor druge Bh. povorke ponosa. Odbor trenutno broji 20 članica_ova koje_i volonterski vrijedno rade na organizaciji druge Bosanskohercegovačke povorke ponosa, najavljene za 23. august 2020. godine.
Vaša pomoć nam je potrebna kako bismo uspjele_i organizovati povorku koja će se oslanjati na aktivističke principe koji uključuju angažovanost i podršku šire zajednice, kulturu građanskog učešća i horizontalnog uključivanja, kao i volonterski angažman članica i članova Organizacionog odbora koje_i dolaze iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine!
Osmog septembra 2019. godine održala se prva Bh. povorka ponosa. Nakon dugogodišnje borbe sa homo/bi/transfobijom, nasilnih prekida javnih LGBTIQ događaja u BiH, te političkih opstrukcija, ovo je bio veliki korak ka slobodi i jednakosti, veliki korak ka građanskoj državi, te bitna pobjeda nad fašizmom. Ponosni_e smo što je prva Bh. povorka ponosa održana bez ijednog incidenta, kao i na činjenicu da je Povorci prisustvovalo oko 3000 učesnika_ca.
Prva Bh. povorka ponosa je zasigurno trijumf i historijski događaj. Međutim lezbejke, gej, biseksualne, transrodne, interspolne i queer osobe se i dalje suočavaju s nizom problema u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ono što historija i iskustvo pokazuju jeste da kontinuitet povorki podiže vidljivost LGBTIQ osoba, razbija predrasude i strah od “drugog i drugačijeg”, što sve vodi do boljeg položaja LGBTIQ osoba u našem društvu i veće slobode za sve nas.
Da bismo postigle_i ovaj cilj, neophodno je nastaviti održavanje povorke ponosa u BiH, unatoč svim nepogodnostima i poteškoćama. Zašto je povorka ponosa bitna najbolje pokazuje izjava jednog od članova LGBTIQ zajednice koji je prošle godine bio na prvoj Bh. povorci ponosa.
‘’….sjećam se prvog momenta kada sam saznao da će se u Sarajevu održati Pride, živim u malom mjestu u Bosni i Hercegovini gdje se pitanje prava, ma čak i postojanje LGBT zajednice ne spominje, bio mi je šok kada sam shvatio da ipak postoji nemali broj ljudi poput mene u ovoj državi, nakon čega je uslijedila sreća, što nas ima, što nisam jedini i što ćemo ujedinjeni ponosno prošetati glavnim gradom. Prva Bh. povorka ponosa je jedno od najsnažnijih emotivnih iskustava u mom životu, barem na nekoliko sati, bio sam svoj, okružen ljudima koji mi ne sude. Zahvalan sam organizatorima__cama koji_e su ostvarili_e prvu povorku i svima kojima je stalo i koji se bave zaštitom LGBT prava. Nadam se da će ovo biti ohrabrenje za sve LGBT tinejdžere koji su poput mene mislili da su sami i da ih niko ne razumije…’’ - Adnan, 28
Organizacija povorke ponosa podrazumijeva troškove koji se odnose na tehničku i logističku stranu događaja, sigurnost, te dolazak učesnica i učesnika na povorku. Ukoliko se odlučite da nas podržite, svojom donacijom možete omogućiti LGBTIQ osobama van Sarajeva, koje ne mogu priuštiti troškove putovanja i smještaja, da dođu na drugu Bh. povorku ponosa i ponosno šetaju zajedno sa nama!
Pandemija nam je donijela i druge vrste troškova. Budući da ćemo pri organiziranju događaja poštovati sve mjere opreza vezane za COVID-19, planiramo obezbijediti maske za sve koje_i budu na povorci, kao i neophodnu dodatnu zaštitu.
Iako su neki od ovih troškova pokriveni dobrovoljnim prilozima saveznika i saveznica, potrebno nam je dodatnih 6.000 EUR. U skladu sa transparentnošću kao jednom od naših vrijednosti, svi_e koji_e doniraju će nakon održane povorke ponosa imati uvid u utrošak prikupljenih sredstava.
Ukoliko premašimo neophodan budžet, višak sredstava iskoristit ćemo za organizaciju treće Bh. povorke ponosa, te za eventualne nepredviđene troškove koji mogu da proizađu iz novonastale situacije.
Pomozite nam u borbi za društveni napredak, slobodu i jednakost za sve nas, jer se kroz Bh. povorku ponosa ne borimo samo za LGBTIQ osobe, već za sve manjinske grupe i za sve žrtve nasilja i diskriminacije, ksenofobije, fašizma, seksizma, rasizma i bilo koje vrste nepravde i nejednakosti!
We are the Organizing Committee of the second BiH Pride March. The committee currently consists of 20 members who have been volunteering to organize the second BiH Pride March, which will take place on the 23rd of August, 2020, in Sarajevo.
We need your assistance to organize the Pride March which will be built on activist principles, involving engagement and support from the wider community, a culture of civic participation, and horizontal inclusion, as well as the volunteer efforts of the Organizing Committee members who represent the entirety of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The first BiH Pride March took place on the 8th of September, 2019. After a long battle with homo/bi/transphobia, violent obstructions of public BiH LGBTIQ events, and political hindrance, this was a huge leap towards freedom and equality, a giant leap towards a civil state, and another important victory against fascism. We are proud that the first BiH Pride March ended without any incidents, as well as the fact that 3,000 people attended the event.
The first BiH Pride March is a triumph and a historical event, however, LGBTIQ people continue to face a range of problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina. History shows that a continuity of Pride events increases the transparency of LGBTIQ people, breaks prejudices, and accustoms society to the existence of the LGBTIQ community, and forces people to recognize that fear of something different is irrational.
The below statement, made by one of the members of LGBTIQ community who attended the first BiH Pride March, shows the importance of Pride Marches.
''....I remember the first moment when I found out that a BiH Pride March will take place. I live in a small place in BiH where the question of LGBT rights, as well as the existence of LGBT people is not spoken about. It was a shock when I realized that there are more people like me in this country, after which I was happy knowing that I'm not the only one, and that we will walk the streets of the capital city united and proud. The first BiH Pride March has been one of the most emotional experiences of my life. At least for a few hours, I felt free, surrounded by people who do not judge me. I'm grateful to the organizers which made the first pride come true and to everybody who cares and who are concerned with the protection of LGBT rights. I hope this is going to be encouragement to all LGBT teenagers who had thought that they were alone and that nobody understood them.'' - Adnan, 28
The organization of a Pride March requires expenses which involve the technical and logistical aspects of the event, security, and the arrival of the participants to the march. If you decide to support us, with your donation you can enable LGBTIQ people outside Sarajevo, who cannot afford travel and accommodation costs, to come to the second BiH Pride March and walk proudly with us!
The pandemic causes additional expenses as well. We are going to take all precautions regarding COVID-19 and will provide all of the participants with masks and other necessary protection.
Although some of these expenses are covered by the contributions of our allies, we require 6,000 Euros more. Everyone who contributes will be provided with updates on how the money is spent.
If we exceed our target, all of the surplus will be used to organize the third BiH Pride March, or for unexpected expenses that might occur due to the pandemic.
Assist us in our fight for social progress, freedom and equality for us all, because through the BiH Pride March we don't fight just for LGBTIQ people, but for all of the minority groups and for all victims of violence and discrimination, xenophobia, fascism, sexism, racism and every kind of injustice and inequality!
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