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Kaizen Inspired Life - Creative Training and Outreach Association hasn't added a story.
Too many people in the world today are unsatisfied with life, feeling as if they are stuck in the routine of day-to-day existence when they would rather be LIVING LIFE the way they want to... HAPPY and FREE
The truth is that most people have not learned the secret to CREATING TRUE HAPPINESS that is not dependant on an external source. Instead most people developed an eroneous belief early on that the source of happiness was depenant on a source outside of themselves and over the years this belief grew and branched out into all areas of life. To the point where many in this world have never really felt true happiness but rather have devolped a condition called GOAL ADDICTION. Unfortunately the false happiness, which is shared with many other forms of addiction is not really happiness, but rather a form of self soothing that is only temporary.
WHAT A TRULY HAPPY DAY IT WILL BE when we finally realize that we’ve got it all backwards and…
At Kaizen Inspired Life we understand GOAL ADDICTION and how tricky it can be to break free from it. We also know the secret to doing so with EASE. Because of this, along with our desire to CREATE TRUE CHANGE in this world, we have developed a project called THE HAPPINESS (R)"EVOLUTION" designed to share the SECRETS to CREATING TRUE HAPPINESS in this world for everyone who wishes to experience something greater in their lives, independant from outside influences and conditions...
Here's a little background on why GOAL ADDICTION exists and why so many are drowning in it...
From the moment we are born; the subconscious mind is busily recording EVERYTHING that we experience whether we are aware of it or not. Unfortunately, many of these recordings are often based on a lack of knowledge at the time the experience took place. Because of this, misunderstandings were created, resulting in unnecessary hardships, fears and limiting beliefs. These recordings, once established, began to repeat again and again, each time compounding... growing stronger, denser, more convincing.
Like a horse on a carousel, we are tethered to this subconscious programming, unaware of what's truly happening... that is until something happens to temporarily break this connection and in the moment of our increased awareness we decide to break FREE!
At Kaizen Inspired life, our mission is to help everyone who is ready for positive change to identify their own illusive subconscious programs in order to finally break free!
We show people through experience that they CAN overcome life's challenges by empowering themselves with AWARENESS, CREATIVITY, and CHOICE. Through the use of proven techniques, creative exploration, guidance and support, we invite the world to...
By providing lasting inspiration rather than fleeting motivation, along with training and support, our clients and students can and do break free from self sabotaging habits and routines everyday!
Here is where we need your help. Many who would benefit the most from our services are exactly the same ones who do not have the financial means to acquire it... at least not until they overcome their limiting subconscious programming.
For many years now we have been offering pro bono work to hundreds of people from around the world. However, it has become clear that there is an even greater need than that which we can accomplish alone.
SCHOLARSHIPS for those who wish to take our training in order to improve their own life while sharing the secrets to creating true happiness with others in need
Who do we serve?
When it comes right down to it... Who doesn't want to be happy? Who doesn't deserve to be? Even the worst of the worst would benefit from TRUE HAPPINESS... In fact this state of being has the ability to create miracles in life as it opens the heart and allows the truth of who we really are to be set free. NO ONE WAS BORN BAD, UNHAPPY, GRIEVING
Because of this...
Hi, I'm Pam Ellis, executive director, senior instructor and
founder of Kaizen Inspired Life - Creative Training and Outreach
I'm guessing that you might have heard the saying...
This was certainly true in the development of Kaizen Inspired
Life - Creative Training and Outreach Association along with our
number one training method, Kaizen Creative NLP.
You see, when there is no apparent way out of a challenging situation... a person is presented with two choices:
Give up on some level and exist in misery (which
far too many are doing today) Or...
- Forge ahead and find a new, authentic path to happiness and healing.
Near the turn of the millenium, like many others, I too was
presented with this choice, through my own personal struggle with
depression, anxiety, self sabotage and the addiction to my
subconscious programming.
Thankfully, as you might have guessed, I was able to chose
option two, and forged ahead searching for ways to overcome this pain.
It quickly became clear that there was not going to be ONE single effective way to move beyond my challenges.
So once again, instead of giving up, I began to combine techniques. Like a scientist I mixed a little of this therapy with a little of that philosophy, added a bit of this modality along a dose of another technique...
I kept experimenting on myself through my own healing and education
until I finally reached something quite remarkable in
this wonderfully multifaceted healing concoction of MIND BODY and
SPIRIT techniques called
Kaizen Creative NLP... which (in a nutshell) is a
powerful combination of:
- DEEP RELAXATION through simple, creative techniques
- THE KAIZEN PHILOSOPHY of small steps that lead to continuous improvement and healing
- ACCESSING AND USING CREATIVE RESOURCES, rather than merely existing through repetitive reactions based on subconscious programming
- COMPASSION with self and others
- Along with many wonderful MIND BODY and SPIRIT techniques
To date I have shared this technique with literally hundreds of clients and students from all over the world. Through workshops, presentations and certification classes, many have already experienced the profound effect that Kaizen Creative NLP has had in their lives.
In October 2014 many more people will have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of Kaizen Creative NLP in a powerful project called KAIZEN INSPIRED CREATIVE CONNECTIONS that will be available in two distinct ways:
- In person groups (The first group will be held in Mission, BC, Canada, with more locations to be announced throughout the year, both across Canada as well as the United States)
- On line, teleconference style groups available world wide for anyone who would like to experience the power of Kaizen Creative NLP from the comfort of their own home.
Through a combination of CONNECTION, CREATIVITY, COMPASSION and ongoing SUPPORT, participants will receive the opportunity to both learn and apply powerful techniques designed to help them:
- Increase overall happiness and inner peace
- Overcome anxiety
- Learn simple, effective ways to effortless relaxation
- Increase self-confidence and trust
- Uncover ways to overcome habits and addictions
- Let go of the stigma revolving around life's challenges
- Access deeper levels of creative resources than ever before
- Embrace change
- Increase awareness in all parts of life
- Improve intuition
- Discover enjoyable methods of creative meditation
- Move beyond self-sabotage
- Discover positive methods for self-soothing and comfort
- Discover hidden talents
- Overcome procrastination, overwhelm and perfection paralysis
- Improve relationships
- Strengthen creative problem solving skills
- Develop the ability to identify and release subconscious blocks
- Connect with like-minded individuals who also wish to tap into deeper levels of creativity, while choosing to live life in their own unique, authentic way!
- And much more
To date Kaizen Inspired Life has been 100% self supporting but the time has come for us to move into a much larger room of service... one that spans across Canada as well as the United States.
More people have access to Kaizen Inspired LIfe's services, which means more instructors and practitioners will be necessary.
More trained and certified practitioners, means more people working in this amazing field of service.
More people working in this amazing field of service, means even more groups of people will benefit from our services. Currently we have plans to expand and offer workshops, training and outreach to those needing assistance in the following ways:
- Cancer patient creative support group
- Women's resources
- End of life, grief and post traumatic stress
Of course we have a few other special things up our sleeve... But we can't give away ALL the surprise now, can we?
As I mentioned above, up to this point, Kaizen Inspired Life has been
100% self supporting and as we expand, we will continue to practice
effective business techniques while we offer the greatest degree of
service possible to as many as we can who are in need.
But, just
to be clear.... we certainly would not turn away any donations beyond
what we are asking. The more we receive... THE MORE WE CAN GIVE IN RETURN!
Its a win win for everyone when we work with the spirit of creativity!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact
us at: We'd love to hear from
We thank you sincerely for your kindness and generosity. The more that we work together, the more that we ALL can truly experience...
- 0 claimed
Receive a surprise selection of 3 ART greeting cards from P.A.Ellis Visionart and Photography. Beautiful hand made cards contain a blank parchment insert for you to write your own message. Cards are 5 x7 inch and are perfect for framing. A beautiful gift for yourself or someone that you love.
- 1 claimed
Receive a surprise selection of 6 ART greeting cards from P.A.Ellis Visionart and Photography. Beautiful hand made cards contain a blank parchment insert for you to write your own message. Cards are 5 x7 inch and are perfect for framing. A beautiful gift for yourself or someone that you love.
- 1 claimed
We’re so grateful for your generosity! Because of this we'd like to share even more with YOU! Please accept our sincerest thanks as well as... • Your own personal email session with Pam Ellis, which includes: ...An initial questionnaire and consultation, followed by a creative plan tailored for your own specific needs to help you overcome your blocks and challenges, while increasing awareness, true joy, happiness, and inner peace. ...In this plan you will receive at least three proven effective creative exercises to help you dig deeper and find the answers, focus and a clear step that you can take in the process of true happiness and inner peace. ($75 value) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) • A $15 discount off tuition or services offered by either Kaizen Inspired Life or Pam Ellis. (Discount expires June 1, 2015) (Total value $130.00)
- 0 claimed
Receive a surprise selection of 12 ART greeting cards from P.A.Ellis Visionart and Photography. Beautiful hand made cards contain a blank parchment insert for you to write your own message. Cards are 5 x7 inch and are perfect for framing. A beautiful gift for yourself or someone that you love.
- 1 claimed
Please receive our sincerest thanks as well as some other really GREAT things to either keep and use yourself or give to a friend • One full hour long individual teleconference style session with Pam Ellis plus email follow up and one additional mini email session within two weeks of the original session (Value $225) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) • A $15 discount off tuition or services offered by either Kaizen Inspired Life or Pam Ellis. (Discount expires June 1, 2015) (Value $280)
- 0 claimed
Receive your choice of one 7 x 10" gallery wrapped canvas print or a surprise selection of 24 art greeting cards (5 x 7") from P.A.Ellis Visionart and Photography. Beautiful hand made cards contain a blank parchment insert for you to write your own message. Cards are 5 x7 inch and are perfect for framing. Gallery wrap stretch canvas print is 1.5" deep, has a glossy finish comes ready to hang. Please contact Pam Ellis to choose your image. A beautiful gift for yourself or someone that you love.
- 0 claimed
You, my friend, are a modern day angel. Your donation will allow so many to benefit from our services, and because of this... YOU in turn deserve to receive as well! At this wonderful level of generosity please accept our sincerest thanks as well as... • Ten individual Kaizen Creative NLP sessions (value: $995) • "Living Happy & Free: How to Overcome Anxiety... Creatively!" Pam Ellis’ new comprehensive online Udemy course... (value $499) (Delivery date on or before, October 30, 2014) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) • A $15 discount off tuition or services offered by either Kaizen Inspired Life or Pam Ellis. (Discount expires June 1, 2015) (A value of $1549.00) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page.
- 0 claimed
Please accept our sincerest thanks as well as the following... • A gift certificate for Full Tuition plus ebooks for the full Kaizen Creative NLP (practitioner level I) certification course (Value $1750) • Full membership dues (online or in-person ’14-’15) for our new project K.I.C.C. (minimum value $500) • Four individual Kaizen Creative NLP sessions (value: $550) • "Living Happy & Free: How to Overcome Anxiety... Creatively!" Pam Ellis’ new comprehensive online Udemy course... (value $499) (Delivery date on or before, October 30, 2014) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) • A $15 discount off tuition or services offered by either Kaizen Inspired Life or Pam Ellis. (Discount expires June 1) (Total value $3354.00) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page.
- 0 claimed
Please accept our sincerest thanks along with the following... • Both the practitioner level I and master level certification II Kaizen Creative NLP training (Value $3500) Upon successful completion of all sessions and exams in the certification process, students will be eligible to practice professionally. The course may also be used personally without full completion of exams • Full membership dues (’14-’15) for our new project K.I.C.C. • Ten individual Kaizen Creative NLP sessions (value: $995) • "Living Happy & Free: How to Overcome Anxiety... Creatively!" Pam Ellis’ new comprehensive online Udemy course... (value $499) (Delivery date on or before, October 30, 2014) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) (Value $5,549) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page.
- 0 claimed
Please accept our sincerest thanks as well as something extra special... A personal weekend retreat with Pam Ellis, founder, executive director an senior instructor for Kaizen Inspired Life - Creative Training and Outreach Association (FOR YOU AND ONE FRIEND) This amazing opportunity will include personalized sessions which will be tailored specifically to meet your own unique needs and goals. Retreat includes all sessions, and resources along with accommodation. (Travel and food expenses are not included) *** Perk must be claimed within one year of the donation. (Value $ priceless!) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page
- 0 claimed
Please accept our sincerest thanks as well as something extra special... A personal weekend retreat with Pam Ellis, founder, executive director an senior instructor for Kaizen Inspired Life - Creative Training and Outreach Association (FOR YOU AND THREE FRIENDS) This amazing opportunity will include personalized sessions which will be tailored specifically to meet your own unique needs and goals. Retreat includes all sessions, and resources along with accommodation. (Travel and food expenses are not included) *** Perk must be claimed within one year of the donation. (Value $ priceless!) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page
See all activity6Updates
- 0 claimed
Receive a surprise selection of 3 ART greeting cards from P.A.Ellis Visionart and Photography. Beautiful hand made cards contain a blank parchment insert for you to write your own message. Cards are 5 x7 inch and are perfect for framing. A beautiful gift for yourself or someone that you love.
- 1 claimed
Receive a surprise selection of 6 ART greeting cards from P.A.Ellis Visionart and Photography. Beautiful hand made cards contain a blank parchment insert for you to write your own message. Cards are 5 x7 inch and are perfect for framing. A beautiful gift for yourself or someone that you love.
- 1 claimed
We’re so grateful for your generosity! Because of this we'd like to share even more with YOU! Please accept our sincerest thanks as well as... • Your own personal email session with Pam Ellis, which includes: ...An initial questionnaire and consultation, followed by a creative plan tailored for your own specific needs to help you overcome your blocks and challenges, while increasing awareness, true joy, happiness, and inner peace. ...In this plan you will receive at least three proven effective creative exercises to help you dig deeper and find the answers, focus and a clear step that you can take in the process of true happiness and inner peace. ($75 value) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) • A $15 discount off tuition or services offered by either Kaizen Inspired Life or Pam Ellis. (Discount expires June 1, 2015) (Total value $130.00)
- 0 claimed
Receive a surprise selection of 12 ART greeting cards from P.A.Ellis Visionart and Photography. Beautiful hand made cards contain a blank parchment insert for you to write your own message. Cards are 5 x7 inch and are perfect for framing. A beautiful gift for yourself or someone that you love.
- 1 claimed
Please receive our sincerest thanks as well as some other really GREAT things to either keep and use yourself or give to a friend • One full hour long individual teleconference style session with Pam Ellis plus email follow up and one additional mini email session within two weeks of the original session (Value $225) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) • A $15 discount off tuition or services offered by either Kaizen Inspired Life or Pam Ellis. (Discount expires June 1, 2015) (Value $280)
- 0 claimed
Receive your choice of one 7 x 10" gallery wrapped canvas print or a surprise selection of 24 art greeting cards (5 x 7") from P.A.Ellis Visionart and Photography. Beautiful hand made cards contain a blank parchment insert for you to write your own message. Cards are 5 x7 inch and are perfect for framing. Gallery wrap stretch canvas print is 1.5" deep, has a glossy finish comes ready to hang. Please contact Pam Ellis to choose your image. A beautiful gift for yourself or someone that you love.
- 0 claimed
You, my friend, are a modern day angel. Your donation will allow so many to benefit from our services, and because of this... YOU in turn deserve to receive as well! At this wonderful level of generosity please accept our sincerest thanks as well as... • Ten individual Kaizen Creative NLP sessions (value: $995) • "Living Happy & Free: How to Overcome Anxiety... Creatively!" Pam Ellis’ new comprehensive online Udemy course... (value $499) (Delivery date on or before, October 30, 2014) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) • A $15 discount off tuition or services offered by either Kaizen Inspired Life or Pam Ellis. (Discount expires June 1, 2015) (A value of $1549.00) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page.
- 0 claimed
Please accept our sincerest thanks as well as the following... • A gift certificate for Full Tuition plus ebooks for the full Kaizen Creative NLP (practitioner level I) certification course (Value $1750) • Full membership dues (online or in-person ’14-’15) for our new project K.I.C.C. (minimum value $500) • Four individual Kaizen Creative NLP sessions (value: $550) • "Living Happy & Free: How to Overcome Anxiety... Creatively!" Pam Ellis’ new comprehensive online Udemy course... (value $499) (Delivery date on or before, October 30, 2014) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) • A $15 discount off tuition or services offered by either Kaizen Inspired Life or Pam Ellis. (Discount expires June 1) (Total value $3354.00) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page.
- 0 claimed
Please accept our sincerest thanks along with the following... • Both the practitioner level I and master level certification II Kaizen Creative NLP training (Value $3500) Upon successful completion of all sessions and exams in the certification process, students will be eligible to practice professionally. The course may also be used personally without full completion of exams • Full membership dues (’14-’15) for our new project K.I.C.C. • Ten individual Kaizen Creative NLP sessions (value: $995) • "Living Happy & Free: How to Overcome Anxiety... Creatively!" Pam Ellis’ new comprehensive online Udemy course... (value $499) (Delivery date on or before, October 30, 2014) • ENTER CREATIVITY: Tapping into your own Creative Resources. A comprehensive 3 part Kaizen Creative NLP downloadable mp3 program (value $40) (Value $5,549) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page.
- 0 claimed
Please accept our sincerest thanks as well as something extra special... A personal weekend retreat with Pam Ellis, founder, executive director an senior instructor for Kaizen Inspired Life - Creative Training and Outreach Association (FOR YOU AND ONE FRIEND) This amazing opportunity will include personalized sessions which will be tailored specifically to meet your own unique needs and goals. Retreat includes all sessions, and resources along with accommodation. (Travel and food expenses are not included) *** Perk must be claimed within one year of the donation. (Value $ priceless!) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page
- 0 claimed
Please accept our sincerest thanks as well as something extra special... A personal weekend retreat with Pam Ellis, founder, executive director an senior instructor for Kaizen Inspired Life - Creative Training and Outreach Association (FOR YOU AND THREE FRIENDS) This amazing opportunity will include personalized sessions which will be tailored specifically to meet your own unique needs and goals. Retreat includes all sessions, and resources along with accommodation. (Travel and food expenses are not included) *** Perk must be claimed within one year of the donation. (Value $ priceless!) Please note: You will also have our undying gratitude, which we will post publicly, should you so choose to be listed on our TOP SPONSOR page
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Nothing grabs attention for your cause like a personal video. Upload a short video message of support. Upload a short video message of support. Or record one right now.
- Most effective video length: about a minute.
- Maximum length: 5 min.
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