Thank you
to Denise "Sunshine" Oklahoma Bound...Next month!
by Denise Chambers
With every donation of $1 or more I will totally Thank you for your support. -Sunshine :)
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With every donation of $40 or more along with the heart felt Thank you and Name Recognition in my Veterans Massage Pledge donors list for my Brain Grub blog, you will also have the option to have me create a Mask style Caricature from a portrait you provide. It could be you, a personal friend, or whomever you would like. The results (graphic sketch) will be returned to you within 3 weeks of the end of the campaign or after I settle in my new home if not sooner. Paintings will be available on the website for viewing at a later time. Feel free to check out my website (link below) for a small portfolio of my art. -Sunshine :)
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Congratulations and Thank you! For donations of $120 or more, along with all of the incentives mentioned above you will also receive an original Painting of your Caricature. The art will be sent to you with a tracking number and posted on my website for additional viewing. The 3 week time frame does not apply to the painting (we will connect regarding the painting). You will also be listed as a Chief donor in my Brain Grub blog for my Veterans Massage Pledge donors list. C'mon I know you want too!! -Sunshine :)
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