Big Thanks!
Claimed by Christopher Michael Dorothy Garretson Matthew Sheahan Juliana K'abal Xok and 0 other.
Claim this perkIn addition to a shout-out on Twitter, I'll thank you by name, with others, in a post on my blog.
- 4 claimed
- 5 claimed
- 20 remaining
In return for your support, I'll send your a piece of SXSW swag in the mail. This will be something small and silly -- a button, postcard, sticker, mix tape, etc -- randomly selected from the all the stuff shared at SXSW. It's you're chance to own a completely meaningless and worthless part of the event. PLUS, I'll give you a shoutout on Twitter, and my web page,
- 0 claimed
- 6 remaining
I'll let you sponsor an article on my website. You'll get to select from a list of planned or already published topics, and I'll add a thank you at the end and a link to the URL of your choice -- your homepage, business, or a charitable cause, subject to my approval. PLUS I'll give you a shout out on Twitter!
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