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Eestis pole aktiivselt tegutsevat kohalikku kaupade ja teenuste vahetussüsteemi või ajapanka. Eesmärgiks on luua Eestis KKTV ja ajapanga hübriid, kus 1 vahetusühik on ligikaudne võrdne ühe euroga ja tagatud 15 minuti tööga. Plaanis on kasutada selleks paljude võimalustega tarkvara "Cyclos": http://www.cyclos.org Tõlketööd saab teha ära vabatahtlike abiga, kuid vaja on koguda raha muude kulutuste katteks. Veebimajutus on tavalisest kallim seetõttu, et selle tarkvara jaoks on vaja spetsiaalset hostingut.
Kogutava raha kasutamine:
* MTÜ riigilõiv;
* veebimajutus (VPS) ja domeen;
* MTÜ raamatupidamine.
Võimalik on raha otse üle kanda pangakontole: 10302400443007 Teilo Tõnn London, selgitusse lisada "alternatiiv".
Soovitan ka liituda Facebookis grupiga "Alternatiivid riiklikule rahale".
Artikkel probleemidest riikliku rahaga, ajapangandusest ja kohalikust kaupade ja teenuste vahetussüsteemist: http://www.facebook.com/groups/alternatiivrahad/447784648631689/
We think that money is just is what it is and couldn't really be any different; and that it always was, and always will be, something scarce, and will be valuable just because of that scarcity, and something for which we will always have to compete.
But this way of working is NOT in any sense an efficient use of human or economic resources. We don't get good results in any organisation by coercing, bullying and belittling those within it. People don't respond well to such pressures. They may work, but they don't work willingly, and they don't work well.
In the contest for a share of this limited supply, people work in ways that damage their own health, the environment and the well-being of the community.
And if to maintain this pressure it is necessary that large numbers of our community are kept idle, unvalued and alienated, then surely there is something fundamentally wrong about the whole arrangement.
But yet, within that context, there is virtually nothing that can be done to change matters.
While we only use the old familiar conventional money, there are no real alternatives.
There are no active LETSystems on timebaks in Estonia. The purpose of this project is to create a LETS and timebank hybrid, where 1 exchange unit is equal to 1 euro and backed by 15 minutes of work. The plan is to use Cyclos software: http://www.cyclos.org
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