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Bojan Rojko hasn't added a story.
Please help Miss. Snežana to raise money for dog kennels for dogs she
rescued. Dogs are just wonderful, and those who should have cared for
them, abandoned them but Snežana made it her responsibility to care
for them, but she needs our help now.
Miss. Snežana is taking great care for more than 100 abandoned
dogs and cats in Serbia and she's doing that for years now. She
rescued tens of stray dogs and cats from the street.
She lives
on her pension (barely enough for her) and she has to take loans for
care costs for those animals in her yard and on the streets that she's
feeding and fighting to save.
I spotted dog Srećko, when she
found him on a junk yard and with some financial help she managed to
save him.
She took him to the vet and she is taking great care
of him, and other dogs and cats. Since winter is almost here we need
to provide them isolated dog kennels and to rent another yard. For
this purpose we would like to collect 1.100 EUR, what is enough for 12
big dog kennels (for 24 dogs) which is neccesary, other dogs will live
with her in her house.
‼️‼️‼️ Please help those lovely creatures, forgotten and
abandoned by those, who should have taken care of them, because those
animals are giving back a lot of love and affection and they didn't
choose to be abandoned. Help them, to survive the winter and to find
forever homes. They are worth it. And I know, that by helping them you
are doing something life changing. Their lives depend on this.
⚠️⚠️⚠️Every donation matters, because they bring those dogs warmth and
hope for survival.
Prosimo, pomagajte gospe Snežani pri zbiranju denarja za izolirne pasje hiške, za nekoč potepuške pse, ki jih je rešila in jih rešuje, ta prekrasna bitja, ki so jih zapustili tisti, ki bi morali skrbeti zanje, zdaj pa zanje skrbi gospa Snežana, ki potrebuje našo pomoč.
Gospa skrbi v Srbiji za več kot 100 zapuščenih psov in mačk, od tega jih ima več kot 70 doma, ostale hrani na terenu, kar dela že dolga leta. Doslej je rešila stotine psov in mačk z ulic in gozdov. Preživlja se s svojo borno pokojnino in bremenijo jo številna posojila, s katerimi skrbi za živali, ob pomoči donatorjev, ki ji velikodušno pomagajo. A te donacije žal ne zadostujejo. Svoje življenje je posvetila živalim in tako vse dni v tednu skrbi zanje: rešuje jih, hrani, pelje po potrebi v veterinarsko oskrbo in drugo. Vse to pa veliko stane in tudi ves njen čas gre za to poslanstvo.
Sam sem ji priskočil na pomoč, ko sem videl slike shiranega psa Srečka na smetišču, napol brez dlak, bolnega, shiranega, ki so ga napadali drugi potepuški psi. V zadnjem trenutku – preden bi ga drugi psi raztrgali - ga je rešila in ga odpeljala na varno. V dobrem mesecu je postal povsem drug pes, zdrav, rejen, primerno veterinarsko oskrbljen, brez parazitov. Zato ga je gospa Snežana tudi poimenovala Srečko.
Zdaj pa je zima že pred vrati in psi, ki so sicer krasno oskrbljeni, potrebujejo bolj urejen vrt in izolirane hiške za zimo. Zunaj živečih psov ima vsaj 24 in za toliko potrebuje 12 toplotno izoliranih hišk, kot tudi povečan vrt. Strošek tega je 1.100 EUR. Ostale živali pa bodo še naprej živele v njeni hiši.
Prosim vas, da pomagate tem prekrasnim bitjem, pozabljenim in zapuščenim s strani tistih, ki bi morali skrbeti zanje, bitjem, ki ne poznajo meja in narodov, ampak so tisočletja ob človeku, da mu pomagajo. Pomagajte jim, da preživijo zimo in da bodo tako nekoč dobile tudi svoj zavedno dom. Tega si res zaslužijo. Ne moremo pomagati vsem živim bitjem na svetu, a razliko naredimo že s tem, da nekaterim. Ni lepšega, kot videti srečnega psa ali mačko, ki so bili vajeni živeti na cestah in smetiščih, ko dobijo naprej skrbnika, nato pa svoj zavedno dom. Občutek je neopisljiv in občutek, da smo jim pomagali, resnično napolni srce.
Vsi prispevki so več kot dobrodošli, s tem bodo korak bližje k temu, da bodo zdravi preživeli zimo in nekoč razveseljevali neko družino ali posameznika. Gospa Snežana je preverjena in je res odlična skrbnica teh psov in mačk.
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