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Climate Viewer News is your source for agenda-free alternative media. Our outstanding team of volunteer activists set the example for modern sousveillance and independent journalism. We are mapping out our planetary problems with 3D mapping software, crowd-sourced news reporting application, interactive timelines, well-referenced research pages, and our daily news updates.
Each year we ask our audience to support us for another year by donating to our "pay the bills" drive.
Over the past three years, CV News has grown in size, respect, and reach, however our server is almost full!
Here is the plan:
- Purchase 1 VPS server for another year
- register climateviewer.com URL for ten more years (Google is sandboxing our search results)
Our new server will need plenty of power and memory as we are adding two new major additions to CV News:
- Google is about to block our Google Earth app (NPAPI deprecation in Chrome) so we are going to develope a Cesium JS (WebGL) 3D climate viewing app to replace Climate Viewer 3D. Our new server will need to be real fast to serve this bleeding-edge technology and bring it to you for free, no ads.
- We are adding a social media alternative to our site that is open-source and backed by the Climate Viewer privacy policy "we barely care what you do and no we will not share or sell your info, EVER." We are creating our own Facebook alternative to help our activist community resonate their message sans censorship and snitching.
Our goals:
- $2,000 renews our current server with a little extra space, adds extra CPU and RAM to the server (meaning it won't slow down).
- $3,000 or more insures we can purchase a superb SSD-based server.
Please support Climate Viewer News in 2015, our work has barely begun. Stand with us!
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
Jim Lee
Creator of Climate Viewer News
(803) 450-4305
25 Tripp Drive, Sumter, South Carolina, 29153
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Record a video
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Nothing grabs attention for your cause like a personal video. Take a minute or two to record one now. Record a short video message of support. Or upload one from your device. You can preview or redo your video before you post it.
Nothing grabs attention for your cause like a personal video. Upload a short video message of support. Upload a short video message of support. Or record one right now.
- Most effective video length: about a minute.
- Maximum length: 5 min.
- You can preview or redo your video before you post it.
Heads up! The existing video will be replaced.
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- Endorsement banners have been proven to lead to more contributions.
- If you change your mind, you can always adjust your endorsement banner settings from the Share page.
Tell people why our cause matters to you. Your personal message will encourage others to help. Easy, effective, optional.
Say it in video
Short personal videos by supporters like you are incredibly powerful. Record one right now and you'll help us raise more money. Easy, optional, effective.
Add a personal goal
Set a personal fundraising goal. You'll encourage more contributions if you do. And rest easy. There's no obligation to achieve your goal or bad consequences if you don't. Easy, optional, effective.
We have a video!
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We'd love to show you our campaign video. Want to take a look?
, you're already on the team.