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Supporting Our Veterans
About Veterans project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing services for those affected by poverty in America Mission: Veterans Project empowers all individuals and families impacted by poverty to unlock their potential for success.
Vision: veterans project is committed to a world in which all individuals and families lead meaningful and empowered lives and pass that legacy to future generations.
Company Overview Veterans project is a nonprofit organization, private-public partnership dedicated to enhancing services for economically disadvantaged individuals and families in San Bernardino County including the homeless, veterans, and at risk youth. In 2013 veterans project was founded and has taken the leadership role to provide wrap around case management services to help families move from poverty to economic mobility. Our hope is that through our programs and services those who are impoverished will find sufficient resources for education, health and wellness, spiritual direction, and ultimately economic mobility and self-sufficiency.Knowledge, Education for Your Success
Description Joseph F Barber is the Executive Director and founder of veterans project. Is a 14.5 year veteran Of the U.S Army,After receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Miami, Mr barber went on to complete his Education in constitutional law,and Mechanical engineering and metal working,Was and honor graduate of the Aberdeen Prooving Grounds metal workers school a small Buisness owner tradesmen services,Mr Barber implements a full service case management program including counseling and psychotherapy services throughout San Bernardino County for participants of veterans project who are homless and veterans of all America's wars Since founding veterans Project in early 2013,Mr Barber has taken on the overall operation of Veterans Project Social Services Program including strategic planning, development, and implementation of programs and grants ensuring quality services are rendered to low-income and homeless individuals throughout the County of San Bernardino for the for homeless Veterans, and begun wraparound services for homeless children and veterans in San Bernardino County. General Information One particular approach to improving overall services to our families and residents is through our Veterans Project Case Management Model.Veterans Project uses a scientifically proven model from the California Network of Family Strengthening Networks to employ a well-rounded model to assist families. Our staff starts where the family or individual is and helps them navigate employment, medical, educational, psychological and any other service or program that will help empower their life.
Location: 501 Buena Vista st, suite #2, Barstow,Ca 92311
Awards In the initial years of operations, information will disseminated about veterans project to the target population. Clients who are interested in participating in case management services and are committed to moving towards economic independence will be enrolled in the program. Staff will work with them to create an individual training and services plan, and refer them to services based on their needs. Within this time period the anticipated outcomes include: at least 80% of clients will achieve their goals and be employed or enrolled in an appropriate education program; at least 50% of clients will transition to economic independence within 24 months of enrollment in case-management services; and 100% of clients will enjoy enhanced access to needed services via referrals, case management, transportation and/or other assistance, as needed. Identify, strategize, and network with other organizations for funding opportunities to enhance overall programs and opportunities for low income and at risk families living in San Bernardino County. Contact Info Phone 951-743-7819
Of all of the people employed by the federal government, our military servicemen, servicewomen, and veterans are those that deserve to have the promises of care that the federal government makes.
T here are horrible bureaucratic stumbling blocks caused by the VA for getting veterans care, and it is absolutely my role as a a former soldier and citizen to help find solutions and beat down the stumbling blocks that are making it increasingly difficult for these men and women who have served and are serving our country. In addition to this, protecting the property rights, wealth, and soundness of the money of these veterans is absolutely necessary for their long-term ability to live and prosper. Our veterans, in many cases, have been abandoned by the federal government and should serve as a warning to us all about the inherent dangers in depending upon government for care.
As we find solutions, many of our strategies will be at the county and State level, where it is easier for veterans and their caretakers to access and have oversight of the processes. As a former military personel, I am well aware of many of the intricacies of serving, as well as the painful effects of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is absolutely our job as community members and benefactors of our veterans for us to embrace these men and women and find ways to care for them in our own communities, when the federal government fails us.
We are missing Veterans issues (150,000 - 200,000 are homeless) and leaving them feeling and being abandoned after they have given their service to America. They have absorbed damage to their minds, damage to their brains, damage to their bodies, damage to their marriages, damage to their children, damage to their employment, damage to their soul in the things war forces them to do in order to survive. This is not by their choice, but by design. We not understanding and sometimes misunderstanding what a solider has to endure in training and in war. We are not understanding and sometimes misunderstanding what a solider copes with when they leave the war zone and return home to their communities. To understand this all we need to do is to listen to the Veterans of World War II and you will see their tears, and you will hear their pain. Their experiences in war have never left them. It goes on inside of them each day of their lives.
United States Homeless veterans include a significant number
from recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many suffer from post
traumatic stress disorder and severe sleep deprivation, as well as
other severe health issues. Often people who have never suffered
from the inability to sleep are unaware of how great a toll this
takes in preventing those who do from functioning well enough to
hold down a steady job.
Many veterans have lost civilian jobs due to extended tours in
Afghanistan and Iraq, and upon returning home find it very difficult
to support themselves and their families. Many who are not
currently homeless are in danger of becoming so because of ongoing
economic hard times. At least a half million veterans pay over 50%
of their income for rent or a mortgage.
Estimates of the total number of homeless U.S. citizens range
from highly questionable official government statistics of under 1
million to far more likely accurate numbers of 3-5 million, over a
million being children. At least 1 in 4 homeless citizens is a
veteran or the spouse or child of a veteran.
According to the Los Angeles Times, the homeless population
grew in all 25 cities included in a 2013 survey. There were
officially 22,000 homeless children and 52,000 total homeless in New
York City shelters--figures that left uncounted the many additional
homeless not in shelters. The official number of homeless for L.A.
County--which left out the many more in neighboring counties--was
58,000. Nationally, there were officially 68,000 homeless college
students. All of these official counts are considered to be on the
extreme low side of the actual numbers.
Various social service providers report that, while lack of
income, disabilities, sickness, mental health issues and substance
abuse all contribute to homelessness, the primary reason Americans
are homeless is the lack of affordable housing. And, according to
mayors and other city leaders nationwide, that problem is growing worse.
Regardless of religious, political or other persuasion, there
is no excuse for citizens of the United States to allow even one
veteran to be homeless. Nor is there any excuse to allow one
senior, one child or anyone else to remain homeless. Politicians
failing to make helping the homeless a top priority should never be
elected and be permanently removed from office.
Americans who sit idly by and make no attempt to address and
alleviate problems of poverty in our nation openly display their
lack of patriotism. They also reveal an absence of historical and
moral understanding, and of personal maturity, self-respect and dignity.
On any given day we the people have some 300,000 veterans on the streets of America Every day, 22 veterans take their own lives. That's a suicide every 65 minutes. As shocking as the number is, it may actually be higher. WITH YOUR HELP WE CAN ASSIST MANY MANY MORE
It is our best hope that we can assist them were the government and other none profits do not or will not large amounts of money every day go to the organizations and less than half ever reaches the troops in need and I have found few places that will house a troop for more than a few days or give them the true support and love they need with our group of people 100% of everything we take in goes back to a troop we keep nothing for our time or like other organizations take a modest administration fee for the efforts which amounts to millions going to the one in need of nothing or no help we have seen this with our own eyes,our government is doing nothing for these vets and in fact as we all can see the VA is a dangerous place these days,
Skills we Teach
What can be done to instill independence and legitimate
leadership in Americans once again? The conundrum is
that such values cannot be instilled; they can only be encouraged.
Each individual must make the decision on his or her own to stop
looking for the world to fix itself, or them. Each individual must
take the first step toward the long journey of becoming a
self-reliant and self-owned human being. When faced with this
conundrum, I can do nothing but make suggestions:
Find a useful skill, something that you love, and master
it completely. Try to become the foremost expert on
just one thing — not to impress others, but to challenge yourself.
When people assert the incredible effort required mastering a
skill, they grow their sense of self-worth instead of measuring
their worth by the guidelines of hollow academia or the collective.
Never look for traditional leaders. Always look
for teachers. A real teacher is someone who seeks to make each
individual his own leader through knowledge and empowerment. A
real teacher has no desire to rule others, only to help others so
that they do not feel the need to be ruled.
Independence comes from self-leadership. As long
as you are reliant on the system or its participating oligarchs to
decide your future for you, you will never be anything more than a
follower, even if the system has given you a “place at the table”
and a title to make you feel special. As long as you are vying
for approval from the system or the collective, you will never be
free. When you can stand in front of a hostile crowd of people
and give your viewpoint without fear of how they may respond, then
you are on your way to self-leadership.
If you see a problem in the world, stop asking permission
to fix it! Stop waiting for the establishment to police
itself. Stop concerning yourself with the actions of others and
take your own actions, however small they might be. Revolutions
are sparked in the minds of individuals and
implemented by
the hands of the courageous few. There will be no mass awakening
and there will be no grand march to glory, so stop holding your
breath. If there is an unrelenting evil in the world, then you
must fight it if you expect anything to change. If you are the
only person who recognizes it, then you may have to fight it
alone. The potential for success or failure is irrelevant. It is
the fight that matters.
If you are going to lead others, lead by
example. Hopefully you have realized by now that true
leadership has NOTHING to do with people actually
following you. Much more important is the ability to show people
how to achieve something more by building something of your own.
There are also far too many Americans who seek to falsely elevate
themselves by attacking the achievements of others from the
anonymous comfort of their computers, rather than doing anything
constructive on their own merit. There was a time when Americans
were respected as people of action, rather than talk. When you do
talk, do so from a position of strength. Talk as someone who has
actually done something worth talking about.
If you are going to join, do so with the intent to
learn, and to teach. All organization must be voluntary
if it is to succeed in the long term, and voluntary organization
thrives when participants contribute their knowledge and skill
sets without sacrificing their individual self determination. The
group does not outweigh the individual, because without the
contributions of the individual, the group is meaningless.
Make a list of your dependencies. Do you have the
skills to survive without a job? Without money? Without on-grid
utilities? Without consistent aid from others? Can you live
without modern comforts if you had to? Do you have the fortitude
to endure great hardship? Have you ever endured great hardship, or
have you avoided it your whole life? The more self-sufficient you
are, the less you will need to look to the system or other people
to make your decisions for you. You will become fearless, and
fearless people cannot be ruled.
I believe independence terrifies some people because it
requires a human being to challenge the unknown and take
responsibility for the consequences if he
fails. Followers trade in their mental and spiritual
freedom to governments, oligarchs and gatekeepers so that they
never have to face these difficulties. Sometimes, they are simply
lazy. Sometimes, they lack confidence in their own abilities.
Sometimes, they are just cowards. In any case, the result is the
same: a life of relative ease riding the tides in a vast school of
self-serving minnows, but always prey to the ever circling sharks.
I say don’t be a minnow; man-up, and build something of your own.
Email @
Or Mail your Donation to 501 Buena Vista st, suite #2,
Barstow,Ca 92311
Care of Suzanne D Button Project manager
If you would like to have contact directly with a vet in
need and make your donation directly to that vet please let use
know and we will provide you with names of those in need many are
homeless and the address above is being used to help many
establish a foundation
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