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WORLD POPULATION BALANCE hasn't added a story.
Continue and expand nationwide a billboard campaign creating broader public awareness that the world is overpopulated, that the problem is solvable, and the solution is to freely choose smaller families.
The Billboard Campaign (what we’ll do and where):
We’re expanding our billboard campaign into new communities with new messages. In Phase One we raised $15,000 to run three high profile billboards for one month in Minneapolis and Denver - thanks to over 100 visionary contributors! In Phase Two we’ve expanded the campaign, with 7 giant digital billboards and 10 digital transit shelter displays in Vancouver, Canada - thanks to the support of visionaries like you. Our Vancouver campaign is allowing us to try additional messages. Here are just a few of our new ads running in Vancouver:
See all our Vancouver ads here.
About the Perks:
(After you select "Contribute," you can scroll past the perks to opt for donating w/o claiming a perk, should you desire.)
In addition to solving overpopulation, we also need to rein in our overconsumption, so we're not keen on offering swag. But the swag we're offering is actually part of the campaign. Display these proudly to spread the word and start conversations about overpopulation and its humane solution! If you won't use them, please decline the perks and avoid the waste. We've done our best to source these as responsibly as possible.
Here are the details:
The Problem:
We’re facing a maelstrom of serious environmental crises, including climate disruption, species extinction, deforestation, fresh water shortages, and fertile soil depletion. The sheer size of the human enterprise is a major, root cause of all these. We’ve simply outgrown the planet. Smarter, more sustainable practices are a necessary part of the solution, but we’ll never solve these crises over the long term without also scaling back the size of our population. We’ve too long ignored population’s role in addressing these issues. It’s time we alert and educate people about the small family solution.
Why We Haven’t Solved It:
Journalists, elected officials and everyday people have long avoided the subject. As a result, many are unaware there is an overpopulation crisis. Because of the silence about this subject, there are many misconceptions and misassumptions. These, too, have been hindering informed conversations and news coverage. They add to the discomfort some feel about addressing this critical concern.
Every parent wants their child to live a decent life. That can't happen if we don't break the silence. Addressing this issue is the key to a better future.
An Ethical and Loving Solution:
We’ve demonstrated the solution to this problem. Over the past 60 years we’ve voluntarily moved toward smaller and smaller families. The global average fertility rate has come down from 5 in 1960 to less than 2.5 today. But continuing that trend, world population would still keep growing for 80 years, reaching nearly 11 billion by the turn of the century. So we need to accelerate what we’ve been doing.
If we could flip a switch and instantly drop the global fertility
rate to 1.0 and keep it there, instead of 11 billion in 2100, we’d be
closer to 4 billion and on our way to 3.
We’ve shown there’s no need for draconian laws (they weren’t needed for us to more than cut birth rates in half). Our solution is to ALERT, CELEBRATE and INSPIRE. We simply need to make sure everyone knows we’ve outgrown the planet. We need to enable young couples to make informed decisions and inspire them to make informed decisions and choose smaller families.
The Billboard Campaign (what we’ll do and where):
Billboards have proven to be a very effective consciousness-raising technique to reach the masses. Drivers, passengers, riders and pedestrians all see them. They don’t have to meet any special-interest algorithms, they don’t have to search or click.
What’s next? Your contribution today will fund continued expansion. You can raise money to fund a billboard (see the Adopt a Billboard perk) or a full-fledged campaign in your community. Or you can fund it yourself, if you’re able. Or you can leave it to us to select communities. We’re now running more ads in a new metro area, and we’re expanding beyond billboards to digital transit shelter ads.
Who Do We Want to Reach?
- Young adults 18 to 45 years of age (those who will make family size decisions) in the U.S. and Canada (since that's where we've launched our campaign, and yes, these nations need to contract their population)
- Journalists (whose reporting can better inform the public)
- Pundits, commentators, show hosts, etc. (who can also help alert and educate the public)
- Everyone who might be inspired to support small family size decisions, including via support for family planning programs
How Can You Get Involved?
This campaign depends on you. First, we need you to pitch in and help fund the project. Just as important, we need you to tell your friends, family and colleagues about it. Forward our emails, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and share our posts. If you really believe in the importance of this project, register to join our team and start fundraising for us ("Register" link is also at the top of this page).
Who Are We?
World Population Balance is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded over 25 years ago. We alert and educate that overpopulation is a root cause of resource depletion, species extinction, poverty, and climate change. Our mission is to chart a path for human civilization that – rather than causing greater misery – enables good lives on a healthy planet. We advocate and support a smaller, truly sustainable human population – through dramatic and voluntary reduction in birth rates.
Key Messages:
- Overpopulation is a problem that is solvable with smaller families.
- Human numbers are a root cause of our most serious problems,
- Climate change
- Species Extinction
- Deforestation
- Water shortages
- Fertile soil depletion
- Air pollution
- Resource scarcity
- Unaffordable housing
- Traffic congestion
- Overpopulation is a problem in all parts of the world, including modern, industrialized nations like the U.S., Australia and many countries of Europe.
- Choosing a smaller family is the #1 carbon footprint reducer.
- One-child families have many benefits beyond environmental sustainability.
- Solving overpopulation AND reducing overconsumption are the two essential solutions to our most serious environmental crises.
What This Is Not:
- We’re not promoting any government required “one child policy.”
- We’re not promoting “population control.”
- We’re not promoting abortion.
- We’re not targeting any specific group of people.
- We're not dictating anyone's decision; we're helping people make an informed choice.
What This Is About:
- This is about creating a better future for all - especially the children of the world.
- We believe all the children of the world deserve a shot at living a decent life on a healthy planet, with clean air and water, abundant food and energy, and a habitable climate.
- We respect the rights of couples, and women in particular, to choose when and whether or not to conceive children.
- On an overpopulated planet, everyone around the world is well-served to embrace the small family solution - in the overdeveloped world, where consumption per person is so high, and in the developing world where birthrates are high.
- On an overpopulated planet, a national or local prosperity strategy based on population growth makes no sense. A healthy 21st century economy recognizes this, and is built on sustainable behavior and policy, not Ponzi demography.
Do You Have More Questions? Want to Learn More?
- Learn more at OnePlanetOneChild.org
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Listen to The Overpopulation Podcast
- Read the Balanced View newsletter
Endorsements & Statements of Support
Paul Ehrlich, President of the Center for
Conservation Biology, Stanford University:
"I’m delighted there will be a billboard
campaign attacking the most serious problem now facing humanity -
overpopulation. If there weren’t too many people, it would be much
easier to solve the existential problems now facing civilization,
including overconsumption, climate disruption, wildfire expansion, sea
level rise, land degradation, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem
services, global toxification, likelihood of nuclear war, novel
plagues, and on and on. Choosing one-child families (and childfree)
to start the needed population SHRINKAGE is an essential first step,
and in support of that step we need to give all women the same rights
and opportunities as men, and all people of reproductive age free
access to modern contraception. We need a sustainable population of
a few billion people for a hundred thousand years, not an
unsustainable 11 billion people for only a decade or so."
Mathis Wackernagel, Founder and President, Global Footprint Network:
"Population numbers have been one of the most
significant factors driving up ecological overshoot over the last
decades. The numbers seem to move slowly, but consistently, so
cumulatively over time, the impact is enormous. The good news is that
many short term social benefits emerge from encouraging smaller
families: higher educational achievements, better health – and all
this is enabled by equal rights for men and women.
With all these benefits, what’s holding us back? Encouraging and supporting smaller families is one of the most loving efforts we can make for present and future generations. Yet we need to overcome cultural stigmas. Celebrating one-child families is a wonderful initiative, and an important opportunity for us all to learn from. How can we make this proposition inviting and inspiring? I am eager to see the results."
Sandra Kanck, President, Sustainable
Population Australia:
"We cannot continue to allow population to grow
unchecked with its terrible impact on other species. We don't have
another planet to turn to if we over-run this one."
Madeline Weld, President, Population Institute Canada
"Former UNICEF Executive Director James Grant said:
'Family planning could bring more benefits to more people at less
cost than any other single technology now available to the human
race.' To which one might add: 'One-child families would do more for
a clean environment and the conservation of biodiversity than any
green technology.' The One Planet, One Child campaign will
help spread the important message that in every country small
families are the way to a sustainable future."
William Ryerson, President, Population Media Center:
"Population Media Center has been working to
role model the benefits of small family size decisions since 1998. We
support the idea of the
One Planet, One Child Billboard Campaign
– namely, to share information and inspire couples to
consider their family-size decisions in the context of global
sustainability. It is our belief that the sooner population growth
stops, and human numbers begin a natural decrease, the better
positioned human civilization will be to lower our impacts on the
natural world."
Laura Carroll, author of
Families of Two
The Baby Matrix:
"This important campaign's focus on reaching a sustainable
population by having smaller families also includes 'families of two'
~ those that make the childfree choice ~ Join me in supporting WPB to
make this project a global endeavor!"
Maxine Trump, Director of the film,
To Kid or Not to
“We fully support World Population
Balance. Making the choice to have a small family is why I made the
filmTo Kid Or Not To Kid. If I could put a billboard in my backyard I
would. Great work."
Joshua Spodek PhD MBA, Host of the
Leadership and the Environment podcast:
"We knew the dangers of overpopulation before I was born,
but what could we do? A nanny state bringing government into the
bedroom was a cure worse than the disease -- and alternatives seemed
worse. Then I learned the voluntary, non-coercive,
educational, usually fun and playful practices that worked in
Thailand, Mexico, Iran, and beyond. They increased abundance,
stability, prosperity, and fun. Who doesn't want more fun?
Our problem isn't a lack of effective solutions but ignorance. I've never met a family with one child with any less love than bigger ones. Small families doesn't mean oppression. With education and awareness they mean a future of peace, stability, abundance, and fun."
Special thanks to filmmaker and educator Bruce Phillips, who coined the term, One Planet, One Child, some time ago. You can see his short film with this title at the World Population Balance YouTube Channel.
- 46 claimed
Put this sticker on your auto, laptop, window or water bottle to spread awareness.
- 16 claimed
Wear this proudly and start some conversations!
- 8 claimed
- 85 remaining
Shrinking our consumption is also critical, so use this bag instead of 1,000+ disposable or recyclable plastic grocery bags. Plus a button and sticker. Thoughtfully created from 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic Bottles.
We’ll send a One Planet, One Child coffee mug to a TV host, anchor or other journalist of your choice. The mug should make it through their gatekeeper (everyone loves a freebie), and they may well be curious enough to check out the oneplanetonechild.org website.
- 22 claimed
OnePlanetOneChild.org url on T-Shirt. Men's or Women's style T-shirts. We searched the world and found a small shop in Maine that understands our commitment to minimizing the footprint of these shirts. U.S. grown and sewn, certified organic cotton, unbleached. Water-based ink. Very durable, so you’ll be wearing this shirt for years. You'll select style and size in the checkout process. There may be a wait, depending on timing of your order and inventory of these special organic cotton shirts.
- 3 claimed
- 7 remaining
Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot coffee-table book with stunning, world-class photography and essays produced by Foundation for Deep Ecology. Thanks to Deep Ecology Foundation and Global Population Speakout for making this book available.
- 1 claimed
- 0 remaining
Only 1 available, so don't wait to claim this. Famed Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich, who wrote this landmark book with wife, Anne, graciously provided this autographed copy in support of this project. Plus a button and a sticker.
See all activity201Activity
- 46 claimed
Put this sticker on your auto, laptop, window or water bottle to spread awareness.
- 16 claimed
Wear this proudly and start some conversations!
- 8 claimed
- 85 remaining
Shrinking our consumption is also critical, so use this bag instead of 1,000+ disposable or recyclable plastic grocery bags. Plus a button and sticker. Thoughtfully created from 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic Bottles.
We’ll send a One Planet, One Child coffee mug to a TV host, anchor or other journalist of your choice. The mug should make it through their gatekeeper (everyone loves a freebie), and they may well be curious enough to check out the oneplanetonechild.org website.
- 22 claimed
OnePlanetOneChild.org url on T-Shirt. Men's or Women's style T-shirts. We searched the world and found a small shop in Maine that understands our commitment to minimizing the footprint of these shirts. U.S. grown and sewn, certified organic cotton, unbleached. Water-based ink. Very durable, so you’ll be wearing this shirt for years. You'll select style and size in the checkout process. There may be a wait, depending on timing of your order and inventory of these special organic cotton shirts.
- 3 claimed
- 7 remaining
Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot coffee-table book with stunning, world-class photography and essays produced by Foundation for Deep Ecology. Thanks to Deep Ecology Foundation and Global Population Speakout for making this book available.
- 1 claimed
- 0 remaining
Only 1 available, so don't wait to claim this. Famed Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich, who wrote this landmark book with wife, Anne, graciously provided this autographed copy in support of this project. Plus a button and a sticker.
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