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You can read the history below and other details that have not changed for this year, but please take note of changes to Ruck iT 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic impacting our area.
1. Ruck iT 2.0 will be 100% VIRTUAL this year. We have been blessed to have this event grow, almost double each year. In 2019 we had just under 500 Ruckers alongside us and another 200+ awaiting at the finish line for the after party. To try an plan this event with an expectation to grow at even a margin of 10%, we would be at risk if the state set new requirements for max attendance for events. So like coalition forces stormed the beaches of France on D-Day... we can storm the streets, beaches, parks, and trails of NJ on Sept 19-20, 2020 in the name of veteran suicide awareness! That's right, being we are virtual this year, we are opening the opportunity to ruck anytime between September 19 -20th. It's YOUR ruck, own it!
Ruck iT 2019 had 78 different teams rucking the Jersey shore! With this virtual approach, that's 78 different locations to bring our cause to those who need to know what our powerful network of Veteran organizations have to offer. This also opens up teams all over the nation to participate! Can you imagine Ruck iT in Chicago? Denver? Miami? or even Honolulu? The possibilities for Ruck iT to grow are endless!
2. Ruck iT after party will not occur this year. As discussed, in efforts to prevent unforeseen circumstances where it can be canceled at any moment, wasting funds and resources, Ruck iT 2.0 will not have an after party. We will have measures in place to ensure you can receive Ruck iT 2.0 commemorative shirts, patches, and any other swag that will be available. (Mail or pickup local in Toms River).
3. Prizes for Teams and Individuals are still a GO! As done in past Ruck iT years, the TEAM that raised the highest amount of funds will take home the coveted BRT Trophy! Last year, the Samurai Sushi Monsters raised a combined $6,700 to win the competition and have their named forever etched on the BRT! Will your team be next?
This year we are adding another category to win some sweet MA22 gear ... announcing the "Rep' Yur Ruck" Guidon Contest. Minimum requirements of said Guidon are 20"x24" and the maximum is 3'x5'. "MA22" or the Ma22 logo must be seen on guidon... that's it! Team leaders will submit pictures of their team guidon and they will be voted on the MA22 Facebook page. Top 3 winners will receive a guidon ribbon to hang from your colors for future rucking events. We have another surprise #ruckswag that will be announced later for all 1st place members of these winning teams!
The History
Operation: Ruck iT is a 22-kilometer (13.6 miles) ruck-style walk along the Jersey Shore to raise awareness of the 22 daily veteran suicide epidemic as well as raise funds needed to provide the level of support needed for our veterans . The Ruck is not an endurance race, but many are encouraged to wear 22lb packs to signify the number of veterans lost a day. It is NOT required to wear a weighted pack, but we do advise you wear comfortable attire/shoes and a hydration system (Camelbak). We are not like the other ruck marches you read about. This year it's totally up to you the pace and distance your members ruck. If you wanted 22 members to walk a kilometer each, so be it! If you want to walk
Ma Deuce WHO?
Marine veterans John Cohen and Dennis Addesso decided to start their own organization to make successful PTSD recovery programs known. Together they teamed up with local Marine , Tom Kiselow, and founded Ma Deuce Deuce (Ma22) . The name, derived from the M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun, or “Ma Deuce”, combined with the scariest number in America, “22”. This is the number of veteran suicides in America daily. As we were less a fan of the “take these and call us in 6 months” diagnosis, we set out to find other organizations that provided an outlet to unload post traumatic stress. We quickly became a hub to connect veterans with restorative resources at no cost to them. Our common objective is to help restore the hearts of veterans facing depression, anxiety, stress and isolation, suicidal thoughts and trauma from post-traumatic stress disorder. We have since expanded our welcoming Alumni Army Medic Veteran Don Redondo, Marine Veteran Daniel Sheehan, as well as a #Vetwife (board secretary) Catherine Galioto-Galesky. MA22 is now four years strong with a team of several other veterans/ civilians alike, we continue to serve the brotherhood we hold so dear.
In short, we provide a “Get out of the house” service. Some of our local initiatives include taking veterans to Lakewood BlueClaws minor league baseball games to prevent isolation and to provide a recreational setting to lead the conversation toward how we can further help. Other outlets include fishing, kayaking, SCUBA, horseback riding, hunting, exotic car rides, helicopter/small aircraft rides, we held an event with former WWE Superstar Diamond Dallas Page doing DDPY! We teamed up local kickboxing fitness gym 9Round in Brick, NJ, who were also a Ruck iT 2018 and 2019 sponsor, participant and donated months upon months of free memberships to their gym for veterans and their families. We have assisted in helping vets with utility bills, repairs to their vehicles, and even with ensuring Christmas happened for several local families each year of our existence.
The NOW!
In 2018, we were blessed to raise over $53,000… minus a beard and a shaved head. Last year we surpassed our previous year at almost $64,000! Though COVID-19 is throwing us a curve ball, we are setting our goal to $50,000 this year and wholeheartedly believe this too will be surpassed due to an amazing community and HUGE network of teams just itching to get Ruckin'.
Please consider joining us on the weekend of September 19-20, 2020 and not only RUCK THE JERSEY SHORE area... but call out all your friends, family, Army/Marine/Navy/Air Force/Coast Guard across the nation.. even the world to set up a team and GET RUCKIN'!!! As stated above, this year is a bit different. We will be
Requirements: 1. HAVE FUN! Each team will endure a 22k (13.6 miles) in a course of their choice. The team leader will send us a screenshot of your tracking app (Map My Fitness, Run Club, Strava, or whatever tracking app you choose) to daddesso@ma22.org to show your team has completed the mission. Remember, this is not an race! We encourage you all to Ruck your best, but there are no extra points for time or extra distances. We simply want as many participants to get in on all the fun and collectively complete the mission. We suggest having a safety vehicle in close proximity with refreshments or water refills available. We do not suggest you have a vehicle follow you like we have had in previous events. These types of escorts require permits and notifications to law enforcement prior to the event, weeks in advance.
Registration and Fundraising
Registered Ruckers have a $22 minimum registration. Once registered, all participants will have opportunities to have donations made in their name through Fundrazr. Those who raise a minimum of $75 will receive their commemorative t-shirt, FREE, the day of the event. Also, any participant reaching $250, will receive a SPECIAL EDITION not available anywhere #Ruckin’Tough Hoodie. Please note, offline contributions can be added to individual totals only after the funds are sent and received by MA22 prior to the event. Any offline contributions need to have the participants name and Ruck iT in the memo. Please contact daddesso@ma22.org for more details referring to offline contributions.
Commemorative Shirts
Anyone who would like to purchase the official commemorative Operation: Ruck iT T-shirts, V-necks, and event hoodies (same design as event shirt) can pre-order NOW via Ma22: Ruck iT 2.0 Store (If link isn't ready by time of this post, check back, it will very soon). If you want your shirt shipped to you in time for the event, please order your shirt by Sept 9th! This will allow time, (10 days) for any possible shipping delays.
If you still want a shirt/patch from last years Ruck at a discounted price, you can find them on our other store Ma22 Storefront. You do not have to be a participant to buy any of the items on our Ruck iT store and it will ship nationwide. However, if you plan on participating and purchase your shirt, it will be ready for pick-up at Farro’s Tees in Toms River on or around September 16th. You must go to Farro’s Tees in Toms River to ensure you have your shirts for the event.
You will have until Sept 10 to purchase or earn your commemorative shirt. If you think you will raise the required $75 for a free shirt, please do not order one right away. Due to a timeline to ensure all shirts are ready for the event, any new registrants or participants who hit the $75 mark after Sept 10 may be at risk to not receive their free event Tee-shirt. Ma22 will order an additional amount of shirts to hopefully prevent this from happening but cannot guarantee all will be fulfilled. We hope this encourages you to reach these levels before the deadline. Please note you will be able to donate to yourself at this time to reach your goal too. If you'd simply like to contribute with a donation and not ruck the 22k, we appreciate your donation!
Teams (Sub-Campaigns)
I’m going to tell you a little story to better explain how it works. Ted is a dude from Toms River, NJ and heard about his awesome group of vets doing big things in the area. He’s not in the best shape but he is confident he can walk 13.6 miles considering it's NOT a race and it’s a slow pace with frequent water points and (2) 30 minute rest stops. So Ted goes to Fundrazr.com/Ruckit2019 and clicks “Ruck with Ma22”. Ted knows quite a few people so he then clicks “Create a Team” and names it “Ted’s Diabolical Diva’s”. Ted's pays his required $22 registration fee. Please note, Ted will need to approve any member wishing to join his team via the admin panel. It is important Ted logs in when he receives a notification someone joined his team to prevent that participant from registering several times. Even if Ted didn’t know a lot of people, he would still click “Create a Team” to begin his Army of One to help raise funds. Ted could’ve also clicked “Join a Team” if he knew Sally, a friend from high school, started “Sally’s Sensational SeaRuckers” and wanted to join forces. Ted then writes a little bit why he wants to participate in Op: Ruck iT and he sets a fundraising goal. This amount is up to you. Ted then customizes his team, invites members, and helps MA22 raise $100,000! Here’s the finer details:
- Click “Join a Team” to join a team of your choosing. You will be eligible for individual awards regardless if you are on your own or any other team. Team awards will be discussed in a bit.
- Click “Create a Team” if you want to create a team of fundraisers OR if you are simply signing up alone. You are either a team of many or a team of one. Either way, it’s called simply a “team”.
- Please share what this event means to you and then set a goal you want to raise for it.
- Teams aka “Sub-Campaigns “ are totally customizable. Team owners can edit anything in their “Admin Panel”. Please feel free to change the pictures, titles of sub-campaign, add a video of your own... and the social media summary. You can even edit the link to your team ( fundrazr.com/tedsdiabolicaldivas ) By default, each team will have what MA22 has in the Master Campaign. We encourage you to make your team.. YOURS!
- Next “INVITE” those you want to join your team via email, or paste the link to your team on your social media outlets. New participants can then join your team and start fundraising individually and coincidentally, your team.
- Please note, offline contributions can be added to individual totals only after the funds are sent and received by MA22 prior to the event. Any offline contributions need to have the participants name and Ruck iT in the memo. Please contact daddesso@ma22.org for more details referring to offline contributions.
Perks & Prizes:
Remember, all participants who raise a combined (registration and donations) of $75 will receive their commemorative Op: Ruck iT shirt, FREE. These shirts can be shipped or picked up locally after Sept 10th. (or Sept 2 if we need to ship them out of state).
Any individual participant raising $250 (or more) will receive a limited edition #RuckinTough hoodie 3-4 weeks after the event.. This hoodie is unlike the event design or any Ma22 design to date!
This year's Op: Ruck iT will feature several team prizes in addition to individual top fundraiser prizes. The top three individual fundraisers will receive prizes for their feats. This years prizes to the top 3 individual fundraisers will not disappoint! Past winners have walked away with brand new 55" tvs, Wine and Dine packages, Camping packages... you will certainly know your efforts are appreciated! GOOD LUCK!
As stated earlier, we are excited to reintroduce the the “BRT” or BIG RUCKIN' TROPHY. Will you be able to top last years winners, the Samauri Sushi Monsters, who raised a combined $6700?!? This is a one of a kind prize that will be unveiled the day of the event. WHO'S NEXT!?
Deadline for individual and team fundraising prizes is September 21, 2019 at step off (0800.. Or 8:00 am for you non military time folk). The individual $250 level #RuckinTough hoodie will be ordered and sent out after the event. So this perk will expire Oct 1, 2019 when all campaigns, including the MA22 master, expire.
Corporate Sponsorship Tiers
There are MANY ways to get your business, organization, club, etc. involved with Operation: Ruck iT 2019! These items will fill up fast so please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know where your business or organization would like to support. Your tax deductible donation will help offset expenses to make Op: Ruck iT 2019 happen.
Tier 1 Platinum - $3,000 (2): Thank you JCP&L and Hackensack Meridan Health returning as our 2020 top tier sponsors!!
Logo on Start/Finish Banner
- Logo on Ruck iT Neck Gator
- Commemorative Cinch bags
- Shout outs on radio/press interviews & Ma22 Social Media
- Large Logo on Commemorative T-Shirt
Tier 2 Gold - $1,500 (2)
- Logo on Ruck iT Neck Gator
- Logo on Commemorative T-Shirt
- Commemorative Cinch bags
- Shout outs on Ma22 Social Media
Tier 3 Silver - $750 (4)
- Logo on Commemorative Cinch bags
- Logo on Commemorative T-Shirt
- Shout outs on Ma22 Social Media
Tier 4 Bronze - $500 (2)
Logo on Sleeve of Commemorative T-Shirt (1)
Tier 5 Premium - $250 (12)
- Logo on Commemorative T-Shirt
- Shout outs on Ma22 Social Media
Tier 6 Plus - $125 (12)
- Text on Commemorative T-Shirt (Smith Consulting, Inc.)
- Shout outs on Ma22 Social Media
Well that’s all we have for now. New announcements will be shared here on Fundrazr and on the event page on Facebook. Build your teams and get to it! Leeet's get ready to RUCK iT!
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Nothing grabs attention for your cause like a personal video. Upload a short video message of support. Upload a short video message of support. Or record one right now.
- Most effective video length: about a minute.
- Maximum length: 5 min.
- You can preview or redo your video before you post it.
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